- Where does the ship hail from? ie Which is her home port? 这条船是从哪里开出来的(船籍港是何处)?
- Where does the ship hail from ? ie Which is her home port ? 这条船是从哪里开出来的(船籍港是何处)?
- The ship is outward bound, sailing away from its home port. 这艘船是开往外埠的。
- Having scored four goals in the first half,our team could relax in the second half and still cruise home to victory. 我们队上半场赢了4个球,下半场可以放松一下,结果仍然赢得很轻松。
- Having scored four goals in the first half, our team could relax in the second half and still cruise home to victory. 我们队上半场赢了4个球,下半场可以放松一下,结果仍然赢得很轻松。
- Though badly damaged by the fire,the ship tried to make for her home port. 尽管这艘船被大火烧得损伤严重,但它还竭力地向原港口驶去。
- Though badly damaged by the fire, the ship tried to make for her home port. 尽管这艘船被大火烧得损伤严重,但它还竭力地向原港口驶去。
- He was past everything now and he sailed the skiff to make his home port as well and as intelligently as he could. 他此刻超脱了这一切,只顾尽可能出色而明智地把小船驶回他家乡的港口。
- Well, to make a long story short, we got a few hands on board, made a good cruise home, and the Hispaniola reached Bristol just as Mr. Blandly was beginning to think of fitting out her consort. 长话短说,我们又雇了几个水手上船,一路平安地回到了英国。 西斯潘尼奥拉号到达布里斯托尔时,布兰德利先生正准备考虑装备那条接应船。
- The Seventh Fleet, which has its home port in Yokosuka, spends roughly six months at sea. 以横须贺为母港的第七舰队每年大约有6个月时间是在出海远航。
- Well, to make a long story short, we got a few hands on board, made a good cruise home, and the Hispaniola reached Bristol just as Mr Blandly was beginning to think of fitting out her consort. 葛恩划着小船来回于郎姆酒湾与伊斯班袅拉号之间,其余的人把财宝堆在岸边。
- This ship is outward bound/homeward bound, ie sailing away from/towards its home port. 这只船是在出航[返航].
- This ship is outward bound/homeward bound,ie sailing away from/towards its home port. 这只船是在出航返航
- The huge automobile ferry had left its home port in Tallinn, Estonia, on a routine 15-hour trip to Stockholm. 这艘巨大的汽车渡轮离开家乡爱沙尼亚塔林的港口,正在驶往斯德哥尔摩的15小时的旅程中。
- Shinichi Tokumaru said in a televised departure ceremony at the destroyer's home port of Kure in southern Japan. 日本海军ShinichiTokumaru少将在日本南部驱逐舰的船籍港吴港的一个电视告别仪式上说。
- A U. S. Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine, under heavy escort, has arrived back at its home port of Guam after a fatal accident at sea. 美国旧金山号核动力攻击潜艇在发生致命事故以后,在严密的护航之下返回在关岛的基地。
- U.S. Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine, under heavy escort, has arrived back at its home port of Guam after a fatal accident at sea. 美国旧金山号核动力攻击潜艇在发生致命事故以后,在严密的护航之下返回在关岛的基地。
- A U.S. Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine, under heavy escort, has arrived back at its home port of Guam after a fatal accident at sea. 美国旧金山号核动力攻击潜艇在发生致命事故以后,在严密的护航之下返回在关岛的基地。
- These cruise ships can turn round in two days. 这些游船可用两天的时间装卸完毕。
- The cruise ship is strikebound in the dock. 巡洋舰因罢工而停泊在码头上。