a rosid dicot genus of the family Cornaceae including: dogwood; cornel: perennial chiefly deciduous shrubs or small trees of temperate regions of northern hemisphere
用作名词 (n.)
The Cornus officinalis more is fit for in growing on the stone medium light loam of gravel content. 在满足土壤肥力和地貌条件之外,山茱萸更适合于在石砾含量中等的轻壤土上生长。
The petals of the Cornus florida variety have a notch at the tip, while those of the Japanese dogwood, Cornus kousa, come to a point. 花瓣的山茱萸佛罗里达品种有缺口的提示,而日本山茱萸,山茱萸照,到了点。