- Computerized tomograph(CT)VE images built by the VE system were compared to those by fiberscopy and pathology. 对不同的临床CT资料,使用研发关键技术后的虚拟内窥镜系统进行内窥镜临床试验。
- Computerized tomography demon-strated hemorrhage in 58(69.9%)cases. 其中CT示出血者58例,占69.;9%25。
- Industrial Computerized Tomography (ICT) is a kind of imaging technology integrating computer technology with radiology. 工业CT(Computerized Tomography)是计算机技术与放射学相结合产生的一种的成像技术。
- computerized tomograph for brain scanning 脑扫描计算机断层装置
- computerized tomograph for brain scaning 脑扫描计算机控制(横轴向)断层装置
- sector-beams scanning computerized tomograph 扇形射束扫描计算机控制断层装置
- radioisotope computerized tomograph 放射线同位素计算机控制(横轴向)断层(扫)装置
- rapid whole-body computerized tomograph 快速全身扫描计算机控制断层装置
- parallel beams scanning computerized tomograph 平行射束扫描计算机控制断层装置
- whole-body computerized tomograph 全身扫描计算机控制(横轴向)断层装置
- monoparallel beams scanning computerized tomograph 单束平行射束扫描计算机控制断层装置
- multi-parallel beams scanning computerized tomograph 多束平行射束扫描计算机控制断层装置
- A fast backprojection algorithm for Computerized Tomography(CT) fan-beam reconstruction is proposed. 提出了一种用于扇束CT(计算机断层扫描)重建的快速滤波反投影算法。
- Computerized tomography (CT) was conducted for 32 cases and 25 positive results were found. CT检查32例,其中25例阳性。
- Computerized tomography scan revealed a heterogeneous lesion that adhered to the abdominal wall. 腹部电脑断层显示在腹腔内有一个异质性的病灶与腹壁有相黏连。
- The computerized tomography(CT) of elastic wave is a forward problem in the geophysical domain for more than ten years. 弹性波计算机层析成像(CT)技术是十多年来地球物理领域里的一个前沿热门课题。
- Bronchoscopy and computerized tomography demonstrated a polypoid intratracheal mass obstructing 90% of the lumen. 支气管镜和电脑断层检查皆显示-乳突状样气管内肿瘤,几乎阻塞了百分之九十的气管内径。
- Objective To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of B mode ultrasonography (US) and computerized tomography (CT) for acute necrosis pancreatitis (ANP). 目的 评价超声及 CT诊断急性坏死型胰腺炎 ( ANP)的价值。
- Comparing the characteristics of X-ray, emission computerized tomography and perfusion weighted MR found the advantages of perfusion weighted MR. 3 对比磁共振灌注成像、X-线、放射性核素骨显像监测组织工程骨血管化的特点,探讨磁共振灌注成像方法的优缺点;
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。