- They face certain death unless they can be rescued today. 他们除非今天获救,否则必死无疑。
- The soldiers faced certain death. 士兵们勇敢地面对必然来临的死亡。
- The hunters lured the bears on to certain death. 猎人引诱那些熊送死。
- If he was captured he would face certain death. 如果他被俘获了,无疑他将面临死亡。
- The sick girl faced with certain death learned to live from day to day in the short future that was left to her. 那个病入膏肓的女孩学会了在自己所剩不多的日子里有一天就好好过一天。
- They face certain death unless theycan berescued today. 他们除非今天获救, 否则必死无疑。
- A kilogram toolight or tooheavy meant almost certain death. 多出或少了一公斤就可能意味着死亡。
- He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death. 他奇迹般地从死亡线上获救。
- The climbers face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful. 救援行动如果今天不能成功,登山队员必死无疑。
- Do not ask me to attack, it would be certain death, and you know it. 不要让我进攻,你很明白这是自杀。
- It was a gallant deed to risk almost certain death to save his friend. 他为了拯救朋友,冒著九死一生的危险,这真是一种英勇的行为。
- Before the liberation,years like these would have meant certain death for many people. 在解放前,这样的年景肯定会死很多人。
- Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death? 你有勇气和刚毅依照命令而且停留真实面对危险和几乎某死亡吗?
- A sick man faced with certain death learns to live from day to day in the short future that is left to him. 一个病入膏肓必死无疑的人是会学会在所剩不多的日子里过一天算一天的。
- Before the liberation, years like these would have meant certain death for many people. 在解放前,这样的年景肯定会死很多人。
- In the scramble to escape certain death, Wam grabbed a hunting rifle that had fallen into the pit. 在逃命的过程中,万抢到一把掉入洞中的猎枪。
- FACING certain death, Batman can always produce just the right tool from his utility belt and leap to safety. 九死一生时,蝙蝠侠总能从百宝带中找到合适的工具化险为夷。
- It was in honour of a common Squire who managed to cover a Paladin standing next to him with his shield and saved him from certain death by enemy arrow. 这是为了纪念一个普通的护卫的英勇表现举行的,他在战场上用自己的盾牌保护了他身边的圣骑士挡住了敌人的弓箭,就了他一命。
- They are violent by nature: fights between giants are common, and when a Muggle unsuspectingly wanders into their midst it means certain death. 他们天生是暴力的:巨人之间的残杀很常见,而且如果麻瓜不加防备地无意中进入他们的领地,必然意味着死亡。
- With all reasonable means of resistance exhausted and with certain death the only alternative, capture does not simply dishonor. 当处在孤立状态,不可能导致敌人伤亡时,美国士兵有义务尽量逃脱敌人返回部队或友军。