- The complete case history of a patient. 既往病历病人的既往病历
- case history method 个案史法
- She familiarized herself with the case history of her new patient. 她熟悉了一下新病人的病历。
- She familiarised herself with the case history of her new patient. 她熟悉了一下新病人的病历。
- We've used an imaginary case history to illustrate them. 我们用想象的个人历史来阐述他们。
- It is the most important method for avoiding misdiagnosis of corneal endotheliitis to recognize its clinic features and detailed inquiring case history. 目前,对角膜内皮炎临床特征的认识及详细询问病史可能是避免角膜内皮炎误诊的最重要手段。
- The principle,method and case history how to predict the average uranium mass concentration in lixivium of in-situ leaching are introduced and the existing problems are discussed. 介绍了矿床采区浸出液中平均铀质量浓度的预测原理、方法和实例,并讨论了存在的问题。
- Through analysis of case history, the paper expounds problems in aerial surveillance of red tide and suggests we should perfect the aerial remote-sensing surveillance method of red tide and strengthen network building of red tide and so on. 通过对典型事例的分析,阐述了航空监视赤潮存在的问题,提出了完善航空遥感监视监测方法和加强赤潮监视监测网络建设等建议。
- Seismic responses of the hetero-column frame with bottom rectangle columns are analyzed by time history method and are compared with the normal hetero-column frame. 对底部矩形柱上部异形柱框架结构以及纯异形柱框架结构进行了时程地震反应分析。
- They compiled thousands of case history to prove the relationship between smoking and cancer. 他们收集了数以千计的病历来证明吸烟与癌症的关系。
- The study used case histories from 600 teenage mothers. 使用的是对600名未成年妈妈进行的案例记录分析。
- Among these are field techniques, fundamental principles, interpretation techniques, and case history. 这其中包括野外技术、基本原理、解释方法以及勘探史。
- Leafing through the pages of the case history, one sees that there are as many as 251 grottoes and 4250 sq. m of murals suffering from decay. 翻开这些病历记载,病害洞窟达251个,病害壁画4250平方米。
- The importance of a complete and accurate case history cannot be overemphasized. 应尽量强调完整而正确的病史的重要性。
- In 1928, Brown recorded the case history of a woman with hirsutism and diabetes mellitus of recent onset. 1928年,Brown记载了一位妇女的病史,她患有多毛症及近期发作的糖尿病。
- According to your case history and the symptoms described to me, I believe that you are suffering from aero-otitis. 根据您的病史和您给我描述的症状,我认为您患的是航空性耳炎。
- No corrupt family background, no family heredity case history and the contagion case history, the body did not any OPS. 无腐败的家庭背景,无家族遗传病史和传染病史,身体未作过任何手术,无不良嗜好。
- In the headnote , many states indicate after the party names the case history (e.g. 在批注里,很多 州简要说明案件当事人的来历。
- Rapoport.A highly readable introduction to OCD, with case histories. 男孩不停的洗涤; ISBN 0451172027; by Judith L.
- The case history materials that are sealed may be photocopies, and shall be kept by the medical institution concerned. 封存的病历资料可以是复印件,由医疗机构保管。