- Whey he flew out at me, I tried to calm him down. 他对我大发脾气的时候,我没法使他平静下来。
- Whey he flew out at me,I tried to calm him down. 他对我大发脾气的时候,我没法使他平静下来。
- Say a few agreeable words to calm him down. 说几句好话给他压压气。
- I'd better get him something extra this time to calm him down. 最好今年给他额外准备一件礼物让他消消气。
- He is terribly excited. We must try to calm him down. 他激动得厉害。我们必须想法使他平静下来。
- She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour. 她设法使他平静下来,然后向一位邻居求助。
- We tried to calm him down but he kept shouting excitedly. 我们努力想让他平静下来,但他还是激动地大叫。
- Idea 3: The caveman thinks Mark and Kathleen are from a rival tribe.Are Mark and Kathleen able to calm him down? 想法三:洞穴人认为马克和凯萨琳是敌族的人,马克和凯萨琳能让他冷静下来吗?
- The man was awake and in severe agony and paramedics slightly sedated him to calm him down. ",军刀,千锤百炼始成好刀,日本刀以造型和长度,分成太刀、打刀、胁差及短刀。;
- She called one of her boyfriend's buddies and asked him to come over and calm him down. 她给男友的一位好朋友打电话,请他来家里劝劝男友,让他冷静冷静。
- "He was scared last night, but that was part of my job, to calm him down,'' Pritchard said. 米兰说:“你知道去年关于阿尔德里奇的事情,但是我们根本没必要去比较和探究。
- The rise is like giving chocolate to a crying baby to calm him down, but without thinking whether he is sick or wants milk. 加薪像给在哭啼的婴孩吃巧克力,让他静下来,但不考虑他是生病还是要吃奶。
- But Alai now moved freely through the whole room, and when Bernard was crazy, Alai could joke a little and calm him down. 但是阿莱在整个屋子里都是无拘无束。而且当伯纳德暴怒的时候阿莱可以稍微讲些笑话使他冷静下来。
- Last year you sent ci-gars to all your uncles except him, and he was furious.B:l'd better get him something extra this time to calm him down. 他笔下的主任公也不像老套小说那样,自诩知识分子,在社会变革期从商,不停地顾影自怜,在道德与欲望边缘痛苦地挣扎。
- She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect. 她试着让他平静下来,却似乎火上浇油了。
- We calmed him down . 我们使他平静了下来。
- The Lieutenant Colonel’s hostility emerged when he knew Laszlo was Jewish and saw Laszlo and Andras were whispering to each other, but Hans calmed him down and pretended him from making any offence. 当中校得知拉兹鲁是犹太人,并且正在与安德斯切切私语时,他立刻充满了敌意。汉斯赶忙出来劝说中校,让他平静下来,从而阻止了他进一步冒犯。
- She tried to calm him down. 她设法使他平静下来。
- Having been wrapped in placenta for 9 months the newborn loves physical contact, especially with his mother's skin, besides cuddling that takes him back into foetal position and calm him down. 被包裹在胎盘9个月的新生儿,特别是他妈咪的皮肤,除拥抱以外,进胎儿位置把他拉回到以前的回忆并且使他平静下来。
- I pegged him down to a price for the work. 我已经让他把那作品的价钱定妥。