- business entity theory [经] 营业个体理论
- Element can only reference a UDDI business entity. 元素中使用的元素只能引用一个UDDI企业实体。
- Where a business entity consigns goods to others for sale. 四营业人委讬他人代销货物者。
- Corporate Membership: applicants must be a legal registered business entity. 公司会籍:申请人必须是一个合法设立并正式注册的商业实体。
- A business entity or an independent operator can represent a service broker. 商业实体或者独立的运营商能代表服务中介者。
- A business entity represents a "thing" handled or used by business workers. 业务实体代表业务角色处理或使用的"事物"。
- Labor inspectorate shall not refuse this request from the business entity. 对于前项事业单位之请求,劳动检查机构不得拒绝。
- Abstract: Nowadays, there are three main methods to prepare consolidated financial statements, which are called proprietary theory, parent company theory and entity theory. 文章摘要: 当今会计理论界关于合并会计理论主要有三种,即实体理论、所有权理论和母公司理论。
- You should still be browsing the business, but if not, use the left Navigator pane to select the business entity. 您应当还能浏览企业,如果不能,则使用左边的Navigator窗格以选择企业实体。
- Creating , developing and charting the overall vision, mission and objectives of a business entity. 制定和规划企业的整体发展目标、使命和短期目标。
- PLM assists the business entity to better manage its products from their inception to the end of their product lives. 虽然产品成功的推出对企业的获利是件重要的事情,但是有关物流策略对产品经营影响的文献却很少。
- But as a business entity, and how through a virtual network to the effective dissemination of its own? 然而作为企业实体,怎样通过虚拟的网络来有效传播自身?
- Joe knows that for this assertion to become visible,the publisher of business Entity BK2 must also express the same assertion. 乔知道如果要让这个断言公共可见,那么BK2这个商业实体的发布者也必须表述同样的断言。
- In this case, you can select the attribute that references the currency dimension from the dimension for the business entity. 在这种情况下,可以从业务实体的维度中选择引用货币维度的属性。
- The modified parent theory treats the parent company as the accounting entity, but accepts the whole trade off method in the entity theory to simply the preparation of the statements when preparing trade off entries. 我国在编制合并财务报表时应以修正的母公司理论为宜 ,即将母公司作为主要服务对象 ,在编制抵销分录时采用实体理论全部抵销的方法 ,以简化编表工作。
- The adoption of this technology is highly dependant on the roles and revenue models a business entity may decide to deploy. 这项技术的采用高度依赖于商业实体在其所在行业中的角色及其收入模式。
- In accounting, a transaction is any event that both affects the financial position of the business entity and can be reliably recorded. 在会计上,交易则是影响企业财务状况且能够可靠地加以记录的事件。
- For beneficiary designation involving a business entity, please provide the Business Registration (“BR”) number of the company. 如指定受益人涉及商业实体,请提供商业实体的商业登记号码。
- Where the business entity rejects the suggestions mentioned above, the union may apply to the labor inspectorate for requesting an inspection. 事业单位拒绝前项之改善建议时,工会得向劳动检查机构申请实施检查。
- Business entity A company, sole proprietorship, partnership, individual or organization engaging in the manufacture of optical disks and stampers. 六事业:指以制造光碟或母版为业务之公司、独资或合夥之工商行号及其他个人或团体。