- I had to break the door down because I lost the key. 因我丢了钥匙,不得不把门打破。
- The longer the key the more difficult is to break the encryption code. 密钥越长,密码就越难以破解。
- An unauthorized party can take encrypted ciphertext and attempt to break the encryption by determining the key based on the ciphertext. 未经授权的一方可以获取加密后的密码,并通过根据密码来确定密钥的方法,设法破解加密。
- He lost his temper when he broke the key in the lock. 当他把钥匙弄折在锁眼里时,他发起火来。
- The right way is utilizing the key software technology to design APC software and this will bring us the chance to break the monopolization. 利用革命性的软件技术设计各种行业软件是唯一的出路,这给我们带来了打破垄断的机会。
- The dog bit me but didn't break the skin. 那狗咬了我一口,但是没有把皮咬破。
- The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice. 主人为了打破僵局,给客人讲了个笑话。
- Fortunately, the flood did not break the dike. 还好,这场大水没有把堤坝冲坏。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里转动。
- Can I break the journey at Wuhan? 中途我可以在武汉下车吗?
- He's locked in and nobody knows where the key is. 他被锁在房间里,没有人知道钥匙在什么地方。
- You cannot break the law with impunity. 违法者必受惩罚。
- Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
- She inserted the key into the lock. 她把钥匙插入锁中。
- The key turned halfway and then jammed. 钥匙转了一半就卡住了。
- A Christian should not break the Sabbath. 基督徒应守安息日。
- I can break the code of this box. 我能破译这个箱子的密码。
- The key to the whole affair was his jealousy. 整个事情的症结是因为他忌妒。
- Did you actually see him break the window? 你真的看到他打破窗户吗?