of or relating to or completing a period of 200 years;
"bicentennial celebration"
用作名词 (n.)
The company's bicentenary was in 1974. 一九七四年是这公司成立二百周年。
1949 was the bicentenary of Goethe's birth. 1949年是歌德诞生二百周年.
用作形容词 (adj.)
Disease of fact of close bicentenary history understands this. 近二百年的历史事实证明了这一点。
Cadillac was named after de La Mothe in 1902, following a bicentenary celebration of the founding of the city. 在1701年,为了庆祝底特律建城200周年,新公司正式以德拉莫特的名字命名,即凯迪拉克。