- She said, "Do you think it was stolen by a thief? 她说:“你认为它是被小偷偷走了吗?
- She asked me if I thought it had been stolen by a thief. 她问我是否它是被小偷偷走的。
- be stolen by a thief 为贼所盗
- Sokolov: There was some in the armory here but now it's gone. It was stolen by a females spy who here a minute ago. 这里的军械库有一些,但是现在没了,被几分钟前在这里的一个女间谍偷走了。
- There was some in the armory here but now it's gone. It was stolen by a females spy who here a minute ago. 这里的军械库有一些,但是现在没了,被几分钟前在这里的一个女间谍偷走了。
- Mind your bicycles so as not to be stolen by the thieves hereabout. 请你照看好你的自行车,附近小偷很多,以免被偷.
- The old rich man was finished off by a thief. 那个老富翁被一窃贼谋杀了。
- He had his purse stolen by a pickpocket. 他的钱包被掏了。
- A moment later, he found that the tires of his GTR were stolen by a famous tire stealing gang ! 过了一会儿,他发现他的轮胎被著名轮胎盗窃团伙偷走了!
- The baby was carried off by a thief. 那婴儿被小偷抢走了。
- My homework was not stolen by a one-armed man. 我的作业没有被一个独臂人偷走。
- However, the lamp was stolen by a bad magician. Besides, he captured the princess. How can Aladdin do for saving the princess? 但神灯被坏蛋魔术师抢走,并胁持公主做人质,阿拉丁用什么方法才能救出公主和取回神灯呢?
- She was set on by a thief in the park. 她在公园里遭到一个窃贼的袭击。
- It must have been stolen by the burglars. 一定是被窃贼偷去了。
- His wallet was stolen (by a pickpocket). 他的皮夹子被掏了。
- Many Internet users fear that their credit card number might be stolen by hackers. 许多互联网用户担心他们的信用卡号码会被黑客窃取。
- research that was stolen By a colleague. 被同事窃取的研究。
- Although the ciphertext message was stolen by the hacker, it cannot be decrypted without the right key. 即使资料窃取,也只有拥有此金钥的使用者才能够解开此密文。
- During Alexander's campaign in Hyrcania, Bucephalus was stolen by the Mardians. 亚历山大在希尔卡尼亚作战时,比塞弗勒斯被马甸人偷去。
- The house was then ransacked by a thief after he had left it. 奴去之后,舍中财物,贼尽持去。