- balancing testing machine 平衡试验机
- The device is called balancing test equipment base. 这种设备叫动平衡试验设备底座。
- Improvement of Electrical Measuring Box on Dynamic Balance Testing Machine 动平衡实验机电测箱的改造
- Chengde Jingmi Precision Testing Machine Co., Ltd. 承德精密试验机有限公司。
- Chengde Precision Testing Machine Co., Ltd. 承德市精密试验机有限公司。
- Concrete bending tensile strength test machine. 混凝土抗折机。
- American AATCC assigns standard shrinkage test machine. 美国AATCC指定的标准缩水率测试机。
- Balancing tests are notoriously unpredictable in their application. 平衡检验在应用中难以预测,这已是臭名远扬。
- Although these arguments against the balancing test have considerable force, so far they have failed to make much headway on the Court. 尽管这些反对平衡检验的论点具有强大的说服力,但至今他们还未能真正触动最高法院。
- Applying this balancing test, the Court held that an order terminating a person's Social Security disability benefits need not be preceded by an evidentiary hearing. "适用了这一平衡标准后,最高法院裁定,终止一个人的社会保险伤残福利无需以证据性的听证作为前提。
- In an opinion by Justice Powell, the Court faulted the lower court for creating a balancing test to decide the issue rather than looking to the language of the statute. 按照鲍威尔法官的意见,最高法院指责下级法院为了解决某一问题创造了一种平衡的测验,而不是遵循法令的语言表述。
- Their fracture toughness and hardness were determined with Vicker's indentation test machine. 在维氏硬度仪上测试断裂韧性和硬度。
- The testing person uses the universal testing machine to make material mechanical testing. 化验人员用万能材料试验机做材料机械性能试验。
- Wear Rate of Materials in Unlubricated Rubbing Contact Using a Thrust Washer Testing Machine, Test for (05. 用止推垫圈试验机测定在非润滑摩擦接触中材料的磨损率的试验(05。
- An investigation was made on brinell hardness test with a universal material testing machine. 根据布氏硬度试验的原理 ,提出一种在万能材料试验机上进行布氏硬度试验的方法。
- Electro-Hydraulic Servo Testing Machine controller based on DSP and ISA bus is introduced in this paper. 本文介绍了基于ISA总线和DSP器件的电液伺服动静试验机控制器的设计。
- The reasons of high energy consumption on sintering machine No.2 at Xiangtan I &S Co were discussed from the results of heat balance test. 摘要根据湘潭钢铁公司(以下简称湘钢)2号烧结机能耗现状和热平衡测试结果分析了该烧结机能耗高的原因。
- This sign marking device installment has obtained the good actual use effect on the tire uniform testing machine. 本打标装置在轮胎均匀性试验机上取得了良好的实际使用效果。
- Thermal balance test of Kalugin hot air stove in Jinan Iron and Steel Co. 济钢卡鲁金热风炉热平衡测试。
- Abstract Abnormal running motor of static testing machine INSTRON 4507 is described in the paper. 摘要 文章介绍了INSTRON 4507静态试验机出现电机转动异常情况,并分析其故障原因及制定相应的维修方案。