- award a prize to sb. 授奖与某人
- to award a prize to sb 授奖与(某人)
- The teacher awarded the boy a prize. = The teacher awarded a prize to the boy. 老师颁奖给那男孩。
- To honor,especially with an award or a prize. 授予荣誉,尤指以奖励或奖品方式
- To honor, especially with an award or a prize. 授予荣誉,尤指以奖励或奖品方式
- MTV Europe award a prize each year, Europe, "Grammy Awards". 欧洲音乐电视奖每年评选一次,有欧洲“格莱美奖”之称。
- A prize of 50 is not to be sneezed at. 50英镑的奖金可不是个小数。
- Significant, in this light, is the recent award by Egypt's culture ministry of a prize to one of the country's most combative secularist writers, Sayed al-Qimani. 在此基础上,最近埃及文化部把一个奖项授予这个国家最好斗的现世主义作家之一,赛义德.;阿尔-克马尼。此举颇具意义。
- The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best. 学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生。
- He was awarded a prize for excellence in his studies. 他因学习成绩优秀而受到奖赏。
- I'm bound to win a prize eventually, I'm just biding my time. 我最终必定会得奖,我正在等待时机。
- He held out a prize to those who could run much faster than he himself. 他悬赏能跑得比他快的人。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- Stretch out a friendly hand to sb. 向某人伸出友谊之手。
- to award a prize for the best essay 给最佳论文授奖
- Make a formal visit to sb to showrespect. 拜访或探望某人。
- A matter of interest or importance to sb. 关切的事,有关的事。
- The child is given a prize as a sop to her disappointed parents. 给那孩子一个奖品是为了安慰她父母的失望心情。
- The referee awarded a penalty to the home team. 裁判判给主队罚对方任意球。
- Call on----make a short visit, go to sb's house. 拜访,去某人家。