- This thesis attempts to study the cult of Dionysus in ancient Greece, based on available ancient literature and archaeological materials. 本文是以古典文献和考古发掘资料为基础、对古希腊狄奥尼索斯崇拜这一宗教现象所作的一项专题研究。
- The horseshoe-shaped blet plaques discovered in Yun Nan were probably local production too in terms of correlative archaeological materials. 而云南地区发现的马蹄形带框牌饰,从相关的考古学资料看,也有在当地生产的可能性。
- And transitive archaeological material from western China. 中国西部变化的考古学材料。
- Exploit magnetism of rocks, sediments, archaeological materials, etc. to provide quantitative information on formation location, su fequent motion and thermal history. 利用岩石、沉积物及其它考古材料的磁性提供有关形成地点及形成之后的运动与热量的数据性资料。
- Exploit magnetism of rocks, sediments, archaeological materials, etc. to provide quantitativejnformation on formation location, subsequent motion and thermal history. 利用岩石、沉积物及其它考古材料的磁性提供有关形成地点及形成之后的运动与热量的数据性资料。
- Exploit magnetism of rocks, sediments, archaeological materials, etc. to provide quantitative information on formation location, subsequent motion and thermal history. 利用岩石、沉积物及其它考古材料的磁性提供有关形成地点及形成之后的运动与热量的数据性资料。
- It portrays the average life of women in the Six Dynasties, applying not only the standard histories, but also archaeological materials, epitaphs, and contemporary literature. 最后,利用约两百五十个妇女的墓志铭讨论一般贵族妇女的婚龄、大妇年差、守寡年岁和年数,以及妇女寿年。
- The burial customs, such as the interment of adults and infants, the grave-goods and the burial orientation had existed in the Predynastic period of Egypt according to the Egyptian archaeological materials. 根据埃及考古发掘材料,埃及前王朝时代已出现成人葬和幼儿葬、随葬品以及埋葬方向等习俗。
- Based on the archaeological materials unearthed in Shandong province recent years, the article introduced the prehistory instruments such as pottery drum, clinkware, chirp, clarion, bell, xun and so on, and discussed on the relative problem. 本文主要根据最近几年山东地区的田野考古资料,对发掘中出土的一些史前时期的陶鼓、笛柄杯、陶响器、陶(骨)哨、陶号角、陶铃、陶埙等乐器作了介绍,并就与此相关问题进行了初步的探讨。
- According to the ancient documents and archaeological materials, these ivories were very likely to be the local products and were taken as sacred things in ancient Shu people's sacrifice ceremony. 根据古代文献记载和考古资料,这些象牙很可能是本地所产,其用途是古代蜀人在祭祀活动中使用的祭献之物。
- This paper intends to explore the influence Shang Yang's reform has exerted upon the development of the Qin Dynasty and its etiquette with references to the literature and archaeological materials. 本文试从文献和考古发掘资料来论证商鞅变法对秦国乃至秦朝礼制发展的影响。
- But unfortunately, up to now, we know little about the model-making technique for no recordation about ancient bronze casting technology and the short of unearthed archaeological materials. 而文献记载的缺乏,考古实物资料的限制,严重影响了学界对陶模制作工艺的认识。
- This paper applies the archaeological material to discuss the social development in Britain in Early Bronze age. 运用考古学材料论述青铜时代早期不列颠的社会状况。
- This article discussed the development conditions of the Jin smelting iron and agriculture by confirming the archaeology materials and document for each other. 摘要本文通过考古资料与文献记载相互印证,论述了金代冶铁业与农业的发展状况。
- During and after the period there have appeared two trends in the studies, irrelevantly complicated and unconvincing proposals;too much emphasis on archaeology materials. 在当时和其后的研究中,出现了使用材料杂芜、牵强附会和过分强调考古学资料的两种倾向。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- In the fifties of 20th century,a famous British archaeologist Glyn Daniel put forward a theory of original civilizations. This theory enriched the theory on the origin of civilization in both archaeological material and theory. 20世纪 60年代 ,英国著名考古学史家格林·丹尼尔提出“原创文明论” ,扩展了文明起源研究的对象 ,对文明起源研究做出了新贡献。
- The beautiful curtain is made of remnant materials. 这个漂亮的窗帘是用零头布做的。
- Some synthetic materials do not crush easily. 有些化纤衣料不易起皱。
- Everything we used was made from natural materials. 我们所用的一切都是由天然材料做成的。