- We should start selling some to Al Qaed sa, let them take on the US and NATO. 最好能卖点给基地组织;好让他们对付美国和北约.
- Al causes operated to bring about the war. 那场战争的起因有几个。
- The concert included works by Mozart et al. 音乐会上演奏莫扎特等人的作品。
- al Qaed 基地组织
- My name is Alexander, "Al" for short. 我叫亚历山大,简称艾尔。,我的名字叫亚历山大,简称“亚尔”。
- We sale only goods in al condition. 我们只出售最佳状态的商品。
- The concert included works by Tchaikovsky et al. 音乐会上演出了柴可夫斯基等人的作品。
- Supply and train operator in QA Dept. 支持与培训QA部门的操作员。
- Perform QA inspection on all lot before ship to UK. 在出货到英国前必须对所有的批次进行QA检查。
- Perform additional tasks as required by QA Manager. 做好QA经理可能指派的一些额外任务。
- Report the QC status to QA manager. 向质量保证经理汇报QC进展情况。
- He gave me an apologetic(al)smile. 他对我报以歉意的微笑。
- Arrange the personnel of QA department. 质保部的人员安排。
- Management of Production, Logistics and QA. 管理生产,物流和质量保证。
- Someone struck up a song and we al joined in. 有人唱起了歌,我们都跟着唱了起来。
- Participate in QA testing as required. 根据需要参与QA测试。
- Her appointment was a significant, (al)though/albeit temporary success. 她受聘虽说是临时性的,但却是一大成功。
- Carry out the audit process with QA dept. 与质量部协调进行供应商审核;
- We have more employees, and more QA since I joined. 我们比从前拥有了更多的职员,更多回答问题的人。
- Al and Jed are going to go paint the town red. 阿尔和杰德准备去寻欢作乐。