- Honey catches more flies tham vinegar. 甜言蜜语三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。
- It is more blessed to give tham to receive. 施以爱更有福。
- Should someone still advice tham to wait? 有人还要劝告他们等下去。
- We hope this information will help tham understand. 希望这条信息会有助于他们理解。
- If you don't have information about Vietnam, you'd better go to De Tham. 如果你对于越南一无所知,那先去西贡会是很好的选择。
- As supporter of local artists, Fine art synergy also promotes the work of famous watercolorist Tham Siew Inn. 事实上,每一幅精制画作,皆经画家本身亲眼检定其各项制作细节,从而获得画家授予之认可证书或签名。
- Betty: I love gymnastics ,I think it's more exciting tham table tennis. What Olympic sports do you like? 贝蒂:我更喜欢体操,我认为体操比乒乓球更让人激动。你喜欢什么奥林匹克运动?
- Iu la luc nao cung muon chia se cung anh ay, luc vui tham chi ca nhung dieu ko vui cung ke voi anh ay. 爱是,在任何时候都想跟他分享,快乐的时候甚至希望把错有快乐都给了他。
- I receive tham as soon as they are sent and as long as I'm bymy computer I can have them posted within a minute. 我会立即收到,如果我在电脑旁的话,便会马上贴出来。当然,周末会比较慢一点;
- Neu so voi mua dong cac nuoc mien bac thi qua la mua dong mien bac Viet Nam chang tham thap gi. 可能有很多人都以为越南没有冬季。是的,但那是越南南方,越南北方还是有点点所谓的冬天。
- My hostel backpack travellers, many of them are older tham me, also drinking with very South American loud music too. 在我旅馆的背包客中,很多人都比我年长,他们也在南美的嘈杂音乐中喝酒。
- The worst way to miss someone is to be sittling right beside them knowing you can't have tham. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
- I was asked to assist Rev No Tham Sum on putting the “hoods” on the students.What an honor! 禇牧是神学教育方面的专家,有他从旁指点,虽然只是匆匆数天却已是获益良多。
- Tibetan Pak Hok Pai "Mui Fa Spear" performed by Instructor Tham Fook Sun of Singapore Moh Poon Pak Hok. 西藏白鹤派梅花枪由新加坡务本白鹤谭福申教练表演 ......
- The impermanence of love ruins in our hands,Rather tham being left behind by the time. 爱情不长久,不是以为跑不赢时间,而是;栽在我们的手中。
- Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before . 因为他们祖国才一天天的向前发展;一天天壮大.
- Tham's fine art prints are used with waterproof ink print on anti UV watercolor paper. 事实上,每一幅精制画作,皆经画家本身亲眼检定其各项制作细节,从而获得画家授予之认可证书或签名。
- Among tham, 7 species is belonged to Rodenria,and Carnivora,Chiroptera and Insectivora only have 1 species respectively. 其中食虫目1种、翼手目1种、食肉目1种、啮齿目7种。
- Ib ntus no, kuv maj mus kawm ntawv lawm, tsis tau muaj caij tuaj nrog sawv daws sib tham, nco nco phooj ywg tshiab phooj ... 由于这段时间忙于上学,没有机会上网,不得跟大家交流,十分怀念我的新朋老友啊。
- Rather tham enlarging the organization and the staff, the goal of development should be enhancing modernization of monitoring ability, rai... 发展方向是加强环境监测能力的现代化建设,是以提高质量和水平为中心的发展方式,而不是扩大机构和人员编制。