- A shoal of porpoises are well on the feed. 一群海豚正在吞吃食物。
- It is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. 从测量海底深度到探测海底鱼群只是较为简易的一步。
- So it is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. 从测定海深到测定鱼群,这一进展比较容易。
- It is a comparatively easy step from locating sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. 所以,从定位海底到定位鱼群是相对比较容易的。所以从测定海深到测定鱼群,这一进展比较容易。
- The boat struck a shoal and fetched up all standing. 那艘船撞上浅滩突然停了下来。
- A shoal of fish will do this. So it is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. 一大群鱼也是这样,所以,根据海底位置来判断大群鱼的位置也就相对简单了。
- A shoal of piranha fish on show at a British aquatic centre have had to be put on a diet after piling on the pounds in captivity, officials said. 官员表示,在英国水族中心展示的一大群食人鱼,由于体重节节上升,必须实施节食。
- The penguins drive the anchovy swarm into a shoal of shallow water, bunching the throng even tighter, making the pickin's even easier. 企鹅把凤尾鱼赶到浅水区域,让他们集中在一起,以使捕食变得更为容易。
- A shoal of sardines and sharks swim in the new tank at Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise on March 19, 2009 in Yokohama, Japan. 3月19日,在日本横滨的八景岛海洋乐园,成群的沙丁鱼和鲨鱼在新的水族箱体内遨游,景象颇为壮观。
- Emigration have carry to its shore shoal of men and women. 移民使成群结队的男男女女来到了它的海岸。
- A shoal of fish will do this. 鱼群也会反射声音的。
- A shoal of fish swam past. 一群鱼游了过去。
- The boat ran aground on a shoal. 船在一处浅滩上搁浅了。
- Coming in succession as a shoal of fish 鱼贯而进
- Shoals of tourists come here in the summer. 这里夏季常有大批游客。
- A shoal of porpoises are well on the feed 一群海豚正在吞食。
- The shark described a circle around the shoal of fish. 这条鲨鱼围绕着鱼群游动。
- from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. 从测定海深到测定鱼群,
- House Botley of Lordsport - A shoal of silver fish on pale green 浅绿色上一群银色的鱼
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。