- Fish breeding in a controlled environment. 养殖渔业。
- Do you undertake any operations within a controlled environment or cleanroom? 是否有在受控环境和洁净室完成的任何操作?
- Work done or firsthand observations made in the field as opposed to that done or observed in a controlled environment. 现场工作在实地所做的工作或获得的第一手观察资料,与在可控环境下做的或观察到的东西相对
- Similar to the previous entry; how can internal users get access to outside services in a controlled environment? 与前一个条目类似;内部用户怎样访问受控环境中的外部服务?
- Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. 性能是在受控环境中使用标准的IBM基准程序测试和估算的。
- The test results displayed in this article were from benchmarks executed in a controlled environment. 本文中的测试结果都来自于受控环境中执行的基准测试。
- Mangoes are then store in a controlled environment sorted depending on their ripeness. 干燥程度将根据芒果干适宜的咀嚼度和柔软度而调整。
- The information is stored in a controlled environment and access to this information by Microsoft personnel is also limited. 信息存储于受严格控制的环境中,只有有限的一些Microsoft专业人员可访问该信息。
- Capture fishery; harvest fishery Fishing for wild fish, normally from a boat, as opposed to aquaculture, where the fish are bred in a controlled environment. 捕渔业捕捉野生鱼类的渔业,一般使用渔船;区别于人为控制环境中的养殖渔业。
- One limitation of blue screen and difference matting is the reliance on a controlled environment or imaging scenario that provides a known, possibly constant-colored background. 其中局限性蓝幕和差异垫是依赖受控环境或成象的情况,提供了一个已知的,可能是恒彩背景。
- With any other phenomenon, if you can reproduce an observation in a controlled environment, using a structured approach, you will eventually be able to determine exactly what has happened. 对于任何其他现象,只要可以在可控制的环境中用构造的方法重现某一观察结果,就可以准确判断所发生的事情。
- Using hypnosis, scientists have temporarily created hallucinations, compulsions, certain types of memory loss, false memories, and delusions in the laboratory so that these phenomena can be studied in a controlled environment. 利用催眠,科学家已经在实验室中制造出暂时的幻觉、迫作用、些形式的记忆缺失、误记忆、有妄想,所以这些现象可以在控制的环境中加以研究。
- Tests in a controlled environment with a range of broadcasts and multicasts on the network show measurable system degradation with as few as 100 broadcasts or multicasts per second. 在网路上具有一个范围的广播和群播的控制环境下的测试显示可量测系统会因少到每秒100个广播或群播而降级。
- He has a controlling interest in the company. 他在该公司中有控制权益。
- tests carried out in a controlled environment 在受控环境下进行的试验
- A controlled environment green house technology 控制环境的暖房技术
- A control contained by a compound control. 被一个复合控件包含的控件。
- Is there a controlled shake out process? 落砂过程是否受控?
- Mir was deorbited in a controlled re-entry in 2001. 和平号于2001年受控脱轨并重入大气层。
- Whenever possible, use a control structure instead. 应该尽可能使用控制结构。