- Plane Scan Analysis of the Surface of White and Blue Porcelain by SRXRF Method 宣德官窑青花瓷的面扫描分析
- Green is the new red, white and blue. 绿色是新的红色,白色和蓝色。
- Has Aaron Carter turned red, white and blue? 亚伦卡特哪根筋不对劲了吗?
- The U.S. flag is red, white and blue. 美国国旗是红白蓝三色.
- The buildings were drapped with red, white and blue bunting. 那些大楼上悬挂着红、白绿色旗子。
- The buildings were drapped with red,white and blue bunting. 那些大楼上悬挂着红、白绿色旗子。
- My niece likes wearing clothes with white and blue stripes. 我侄女喜欢穿带有白色和蓝色条纹的衣服。
- The buildings were draped with red, white and blue bunting. 大楼挂满了红、白、蓝色的帘子。
- Red,white and blue should be worn in honor of our fellow Americans that died. 为了我们死去的美国同胞,我们应该穿上红白蓝三种颜色的服装。
- The flag of the U.S. Has stars and stripes.It's red, white and blue. 美国的国旗有星星和条带。它是红色、白色和蓝色。
- "Red, white and blue should be worn in honor of our fellow Americans that died. 邮件中说"为了我们死去的美国同胞,我们应该穿上红白蓝三种颜色的服装。
- If you mix red,white and blue together in the right proportion,it will give us a very pleasant colour. 如果你把红、白、兰三种颜色适当地混在一起,我们将可得到一种很悦目的颜色。
- Red, white and blue. Red stands for courage, white for truth and blue for justice. 红代表勇气,白代表真理,蓝代表正义。
- Castro, dressedina red, white and blue track suit, said of his currenthealthproblems. 录像中身着红、白。
- He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue. 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了。
- Simple and unaffected house decoration suits the taste of white and Blue collar workers. 简单、质朴的居室装潢适合工薪阶层的口味。
- If you mix red, white and blue together in the right proportion, it will give us a very pleasant colour. 如果你把红、白、兰三种颜色适当地混在一起,我们将可得到一种很悦目的颜色。
- Cycladic, Fira and Oia are mentioned in the article, and also with typical white and blue picture of Santorini. 基克拉泽斯群岛、费拉镇和欧伊亚都在文章中被提及并配有圣托里尼代表性的蓝白色图片。
- It is said that the pilot saw the propeller as alternating segments of white and blue, hence the logo. 据说飞行员看到的螺旋桨是不断交替的蓝白片段,后来的标志就是据此设计的。
- She beat the poor boy black and blue. 她把那个可怜的男孩打得遍体鳞伤。