- The flight to Accra goes twice a week. 飞往阿克拉的班机一星期开两班。
- Our study group gets together twice a week. 我们的学习小组每周集中活动两次。
- The old man goes to see his grandson twice a week. 这位老人每星期去看他的孙子两次。
- This plant needs to be watered twice a week. 这种花一星期要浇两次。
- The housemaid comes to mop our kitchen floor twice a week. 女佣每周两次到我家来拖洗厨房地板。
- Mary comes around to see her parents once or twice a week. 玛丽每星期来看她的父母亲一两次。
- The American housewife probably goes shopping only once or twice a week. 美国家庭主妇可能一星期只购物一、二次。
- I usually mop the kitchen floor twice a week. 通常我每周两次拖洗厨房地板。
- She permits herself pork twice a week. 她规定自己一星期只吃二次肉。
- I mop the kitchen floor twice a week. 我一星期两次用拖把拖厨房的地板。
- The famous actor does aerobics twice a week. 这位闻名的男演员一星期会做两次有氧课程的运动。
- I can't play squash twice a week: I'm not as young as I was, you know! 我不能一星期打两次壁球了,我的体力大不如前了,你要知道!
- We run regular-flight to Pairs twice a week. 我们每周有两班飞巴黎的定期航班。
- We do some listening twice a week. 我们一星期听两次录音。
- Fred sends his clothes to laundry twice a week. 弗雷德一周送洗两次要洗的衣物。
- She's very keen on sport: among other things, she plays tennis twice a week. 她很喜欢体育活动,除了其他活动外,她每星期打两次网球。
- I have English classes twice a week. 我一周有两节英文课。
- I go ballroom dancing twice a week. 我一个星期跳两次交际舞。
- She doesn't go any more, but she used to go twice a week. 她不再去了,但过去她每周去两次。
- In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week. 夏天我们每周得修剪草坪两次。