- Application of the Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Method to Town Land Classification 模糊综合评判法在城镇土地定级中应用研究
- Study on rational determination of the grid unit in city and town land classification 城镇土地定级网格单元的合理确定
- Town Land Classification 城镇土地定级
- My land classification categories? What is the meaning of land? 我国土地分类几类?各类土地的含义是什么?
- Delineation of ecological units is an important task for forest land classification. 摘要生态单元之划分,为林地分级之首要工作。
- Gross area of whole town land 1342.6 square kilometer, its intertill ground accumulates 23100 much hectare. 奉化市地处浙江省东部沿海地区。全市土地总面积1342.;6平方公里;其中耕地面积23100多公顷。
- Now,in the world,the ecological land classification system tends to be multi-hierarchical and unified. 当前各国的生态土地分类的级别体系有向统一化和多级化的发展趋势。
- Ecological land classification (ELC) is the main approuch and direction of land classification. 生态土地分类是目前土地分类的主要方向和趋势;国际上早已开展此项研究.
- Of farmland of the dispute before commandeer, from approval commandeer second month rises begin royalities of pay town land. 征用前是非耕地的,自批准征用次月起开始缴纳城镇土地使用税。
- On the basis of LIS software by using digital maps as original materials, this paper discusses some methods about land classification and management. 本文论述了以数字化地图为原图,利用土地信息系统软件进行土地分类和土地管理的方法;
- The entire town land area 126.49 square kilometers, the total cultivated area is one 19494 mu, arable land, farming conditions of agricultural township. 全乡国土面积126.;49平方公里,总耕地面积19494亩,是一个人多地少,耕作条件恶劣的农业乡镇。
- The cultivated land classification and gradation is virtually an evaluation of the quality of the land, in which the impersonal appraisal is the foundation. 摘要耕地分等定级实质上是对耕地质量的评价,客观的评价是以构建科学的评价模型为基础的。
- The system has seven modules including data processor, map fabrication and statistics, etc.. It could do the calculation of agricultural land classification and gradation quickly and has powerful capability of data management as well. 该系统包括数据处理、地图制作、统计分析等7个模块,能迅速实现农用地分等定级的计算,并具有分层分类数据库综合管理功能。
- The land of new take over for use, farmland is belonged to before commandeer or be not farmland according to its, the initiative time of royalities of pay town land also differs somewhat. 新征用的土地,根据其征用前属于耕地还是非耕地,缴纳城镇土地使用税的起始时间也有所不同。
- When we set foot on familiar home town land, you ever can have thought, the safety that carries to assure railroad is expedite, railroad worker does it made how old arduous effort! 当我们踏上熟悉的家乡土地时,你可曾想过,为了保证铁路运输的安全畅通,铁路工作者为之做出了多大的辛勤努力!
- Duolun County of Inner Mongolia, located in the west of China, is a typical interleaving area of farming and herding, therefore, the land classification within this region is very particular. 摘要多伦县位于内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟东南端,是典型的农牧交错地带;土地结构类型独特。
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
- I must sally forth into town and buy my week's food. 我得赶快去城里采购一星期吃的食物。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。