- This was just before midnight. 这仅仅是在午夜以前。
- But all this was just suspicion. So they dropped the armed clashes. 但这一切都只是猜疑。因此他们停止了武装冲突。
- Be just before you are generous. [谚]先还债,后慷慨。
- Arthur believed that this was just a pretence. 阿瑟认为这仅仅是一种掩饰。
- But all this was just suspicion. 但这一切都只是猜疑。
- This was just the kind of life he liked. 这正是他所喜欢的那种生活方式。
- Milne's tanks continued on to the LST staging area, arriving just before midnight. 米尔恩的坦克于午夜前到达,直接开往了坦克登陆舰的运输点。
- Just before midnight,Titanic struck an iceberg, which punctured 5 of the 16 compartments. 刚在午夜前,泰克尼克号撞上了冰山,戳穿了16个密封层中的5个。
- This was just when our commune was being formed. 这正是我们公社成立的时候。
- Property returns the number of seconds that have passed since midnight; therefore, the application gets stuck if it is started just before midnight. 属性返回自午夜以来经过的秒数,因而,如果该应用程序刚好在午夜之前启动,则会承受不住。
- His comrade replied that this was just the chicken in question. 他的同伴答称这正是那个娃儿。
- In Spain and Portugal, people gather just before midnight on New Year's Eve and select twelve grapes from a large bunch. 在西班牙和葡萄牙,人们在新年前一天的午夜即将来临时聚在一起,从一大串葡萄中挑出十二粒。
- The drama began to unfold just before midnight Saturday, when Parker called Ford and asked if she and Alexis could spend the night at Ford's home. 这戏剧性的凶案发生在周六午夜前。帕克打电话问福特她和埃里克西能否在福特加留宿一宿。
- This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics. 这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。
- But all this was just suspicion. So they droppedthe armed clashes. 但这一切都只是猜疑。因此他们停止了武装冲突。
- The system was blamed for at least one death in North Carolina after it made landfall just before midnight on the heels of thunderstorms that already had drenched the state. 午夜前登陆的热带风暴至少造成了北卡罗来纳州一人死亡,紧随其后的是早已席卷全美的雷暴。
- This was just one of those happy accidents that happens on its own. 这真是自天而降的幸运机遇。
- Just before midnight the guerrillas and their hostages began to walk across the tarmac to a waiting Boeing 727 aircraft. Suddenly all the airport lights were turned out and German police sharpshooters opened fire. 午夜前游击队员带着人质开始穿过跑道走向一架停在那里的波音727飞机,忽然机场所有的灯熄灭了,德国警方神枪手向恐怖分子开火。
- But this was just the beginning of Odysseus' adventures. 但是这只是奥迪赛一连串冒险的开端。
- This was just a line in his charade he couldn't sacrifice. 人们知道不用数他也知道人数,这不过是他玩的把戏中不可省略的一句台词。。