- We now find ourselves much closer to the working people in thought and feeling. 我们现在感到在思想感情上和劳动人民接近多了。
- It is so easy to loose our positive emotions and thought and feel downtrodden. 要失去积极情绪、想法和感到压迫就变得易如反掌。
- It is necessary for older people to understand what the young think and feel. 年长的人有必要了解年轻人在想些什么,他们有什么感觉。
- It is necessary for older people to understand what they think and feel. 年长的人有必要了解他们在想些什么,他们有什么感觉。
- What one thinks and feels is mainly due to the education he's got. 一个人的所思所想取决于他所受的教育。
- Thinking and feeling that have to do with action in association with others is as much a social mode of behavior as is the most overt cooperative or hostile act. 和别人联合行动有关的思想和感情,和最明显的协同行动或敌对行动,同样都是社会行为。
- However I look and sound , whatever I say and do , and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is me . 不论我在某一个特定的时刻看起来、听起来如何,不论我说什么、做什么或想什么、感受什么,这都是我。
- I'm always amused when there's a guy's POV in a shoujo manga, but it's always interesting what a guy is thinking and feeling in situations such as these. 阳吕真是个非常好的男友,不只平日就像保护公主的骑士一样密密守护心菜,就连家事方面也是十项全能!
- You might be feeling a little opinionated today, and you probably won't be too shy about letting other people know exactly what you're thinking and feeling right now. 你今天有点固执己见,你不在乎别人知道你具体怎么想的。
- D.H.Lawrence uses narrated monologue.Readers think what characters think and feel what characters feel. 而劳伦斯使用的是叙述性独白,读者的思绪和情感同作品人物叠合,与作品人物同悲哀、同欢乐、同痛苦。
- I think we all know this at some level, but the way we think and act and feel many times contradicts this basic truth. 我想我们知道的只是在众多层次中的一种,但是我们所做的事物的方式以及行为将会接触到最低层的真理。
- I think and think and cannot cease from thinking. 我想了又想,一直想个没完。
- Their modes of thought and speech and feeling are startlingly different. 思维、说话和感觉模式惊人地不同。
- I don't think you have to anesthetize yourself. What makes you think and feel is important ;-) I do dare to be here, and finding you. 我想你不必麻醉你自己。能让你思考和感受的东西才是最重要的。;-)我就敢身处其境,只为发现你的存在。
- But this relationship is an indirect one for we are dealing with an invisible current that shapes our destiny from day to day by how we think and feel. 但是这是一种间接的关系,因为我们一直同一股看不见的潮流打交道,这种潮流通过我们的想法和感受日复一日地塑造我们的命运。
- Quick thinking and ready speech may carry off a little daring. 思维敏捷和发言迅速可能弥补缺乏勇敢精神的不足。
- But you can control how you think and feel about such incidents, even when you are the unfortunate victim of an accident. 但是你可以控制如何想如何感受这些事情,甚至当你不幸成为突发事件的受害者时。
- Bonny Hicks'article,"I think and feel,therefore I am" published posthumously in the "Straits Times "(December 28,1997) strikes a sympathetic resonance in my heart and mind. 彭妮在《海峡时报》(1997年12月28日)刊登的遗稿《吾思、吾触、吾为》,在我的心中引起共鸣。
- Bonny Hicks'article,"I think and feel,therefore I am"published posthumously in the Straits Times (December 28,1997) strikes a sympathetic resonance in my heart and mind. 彭妮在《海峡时报》(1997年12月28日)刊登的遗稿《吾思、吾触、吾为》,在我的心中引起共鸣。
- How did you think and feel while you were conducting the experiment? Was it hard to do? Did you slip and resume your old mental attitudes and behavior patterns? 在进行试验时你是如何想和感觉的?困难吗?你是否试验失败,重新恢复了原来的思想态度与行为模式?