- The Man Without The Wing 没有翅膀的人
- The man without faith is a walking corpse. 没有信仰的人是行尸走肉。
- The man without property looks upon property as theft. 没有财产的人认为别人的财产是偷来的。
- Maybe the geniuses aren't the man without eating any food. 也许天才们都是不食人间烟火的人.
- My father is a business man and he's always on the wing. 我父亲是个商人,他总是忙忙碌碌的。
- The poorest man is not the man without a cent ,but the man without a dream. 穷人并不是指身无分文的人,而是指没有梦想的人。
- The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the horn. 云雀在空中飞翔,蜗牛伸出触角爬行。
- The subsequent radiation from the sun hitting the Red Man without the ice shields was great. 没有了冰盾,太阳后来的辐射对红族人民的伤害是巨大的。
- Poor thing, to have lived so long without the man she loved most in the world. 好可怜的人呀,在世上活了这么长的时间,却没有她最爱的男人陪伴。
- The wing of a bird corresponds to the arm of a man. 鸟的翅膀相当于人的胳臂。
- Ellery had always thought of him as a run-for-your-life man without the pathological stopwatch. 埃勒里向来认为班独就是那种所谓的会享受生活的人物,从不庸庸碌碌地劳碌奔波。
- In a small community it is the normal man, the man without eccentricity or genius, who seems most likely to succeed. 在小型社区中,最容易发迹和成功的人是那种符合规范的人,那种既无怪癖又无特殊才干的人。
- The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder- a waif, a nothing, a no man. 说的真好啊,理想和信仰是一个人的精神支柱,因为没什么理想,所以也的确感觉自己很渺小、软弱。
- I think we shall play Bill on the wing in the next match. 我认为下一场应当让比尔任边锋。
- A man without the proper use of the intellectual faculties of a man is, if possible, more contemptible than even a coward. 一个不能恰当运用人类智力的人极可能比懦夫更可鄙。
- I just want an ordinary car without the frills. 我只要一辆没有多余装饰的普通汽车。
- The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire. 那人用千斤顶把他的汽车顶起以修理漏气的轮胎。
- I think we should play Bill on the wing in the next match. 我认为下一场应当让比尔任边锋。
- The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body. 那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。
- "No," returned she, "but I feel some emotion on seeing, for the first time, the man without whose intervention we should have been in tears and desolation. “不,”她答道,“只是我初次见到把我们从眼泪和悲哀里拯救出来的人,心里未免有点激动。