- Defining" Dahua" as a profane narrative practice, the verbal use of" Dahua" is exactly a metaphorical form to imply the embarrassed surviving environment of the refined literature. 将“大话”界定为一种亵渎性的叙述行为,“大话”的动词化,正是高雅文学尴尬生存环境的隐喻形式。
- industrial surviving environment 产业生存环境
- Survival environment destruction, overtaxation of bio-resources and environment pollution are the main reasons. 掠夺式的过度利用;环境污染。
- The author further proposes that the survival environment of certain nationality has some relationship with its acculturation. 进而提出了特定民族生存环境与文化适应的关系问题。
- While the formation of flocculating substance depends on the type of micro-organism,external survival environment will also directly affect it as well. 微生物絮凝体的形成除受微生物的种属影响外,微生物的外部生长环境也直接影响絮凝体形成。
- On the treatment of mental disorder, Laing maintained promoting sufferers' self- recover by changing the sufferer's survival environment. 在精神疾病的治疗方面,莱因主张通过改变患者的生存环境来促使其进行自我恢复。
- On the treatment of mental disorder,Laing maintained promoting sufferers self-recover by changing the sufferer s survival environment. 在精神疾病的治疗方面,莱因主张通过改变患者的生存环境来促使其进行自我恢复。
- Explains the survival environment from these three aspects is a double-edged sword, advantageously also has the shortcoming. 从这三个方面来阐释生存环境是一把双刃剑,有利也有弊。
- In here, Robinson does not have a thing in the world, the survival environment is extremely bad, more fearful not the hope which rescues. 在这里,鲁宾逊一无所有,生存环境极为恶劣,更可怕的是没有被救的希望。
- As market is more and more mature, survival environment of modern firms is severer. These firms bear pressures in the process of growth and development. 现代企业的生存环境随着市场的不断成熟更趋严峻,企业在成长与发展过程中承受着来自各方的压力。
- Encourage the media to link the illegal sales of commercial property, irregularities in exposure to crimes and the loss of business survival environment. 鼓励新闻媒体对商品房销售环节的违法、违规现象进行曝光,使违法、违规企业失去生存的环境。
- In my opinion, should protect their survival environment first, for example establishment nature protection area. Three rivers sources nature protection area is a good example! 在我看来,应该先保护好它们的生存环境,例如建立自然保护区。三江源自然保护区就是一个好例子!
- Rooting in atrocious survival environment, pants, which invented by local people for withstand frigidity and safeguard their bodies, enwrap peoples' legs. 裤子是对人们的腿部分别进行包裹的衣物,它产生于生存环境恶劣的地区,是当地的人们为了抵御寒冷和保护身体而发明的。
- Especially, the leakage of flammability and exploded-prone medium deposited in tanks can cause secondary disaster, which led to the serious destroy of the survival environment. 特别是球形储液罐存储易燃、易爆介质,地震中发生破坏而引起的次生灾害对人类的生存环境将造成更为严重的影响和危害。
- The failure of any one of the afore mentioned criteria can have a devastating effect on the environment and contribute to serious or fatal injuries in an otherwise survivable environment. 以上提到的任何一点的失败,在本来可能幸存环境中都将产生破坏性的影响,造成严重或致命的伤害。
- He is insensitive to the environment. 他对环境感觉不敏锐。
- In recent years, the survival environments of amphibians and reptile was destroyed to some extent. 区系特点以广布东洋界和古北界的种类与主要分布于古北界的种类占优势。
- She is not used to the new environment. 她对新环境不习惯。
- From the viewpoint of hermeneutics, if a text needs to be understood, it must be decided not only by its quality and feature of the text, but also by the survival environment of hermeneutist. 从哲学解释学角度思考,任何文本要获得理解,都必须既由文本的性质和特点、又由理解者的生存境况所决定。
- Children need a happy home environment for their healthy growth. 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。