- She was suffering from malarial fever, and seemed dying by inches . 她当时正发着一种寒热病,似乎正在慢慢地死去。
- She was dying by inches. 她慢慢地死去。
- She was dying of the curiosity to know where we had been. 她十分急于想知道我们去哪儿了。
- Her life was slowly draining away,ie She was dying. 她的生命力在慢慢枯竭(她快死了)。
- It quickly became clear that she was dying. 很快就看得出她当时已生命垂危。
- She was dying and he would lose her. 她的生命垂危,他将要失去她。
- She was dying to know what had happened. 她迫切地想知道发生了什么事。
- He saw himself dying by inches. 他觉得自己在逐步走向死亡。
- I would have died by inches before I touched a single hair of his head! 我宁可寸磔而死,也不会碰他一根头发!
- She was dying for a break having worked so harm for so long a time. 劳累了这么长的时间她真希望能歇一会儿。
- Her life was slowly draining away, ie She was dying. 她的生命力在慢慢枯竭(她快死了).
- She was not a Communist, but evidently was dying to become one. 她还不是一个共产党员,但很显然她是迫切要求入党的。
- I mean, a while ago, her mom was very sick. She was dying of cancer. 我的意思是,前一阵,她妈妈病得很厉害,因为癌症都要死了。
- What made Kaycee Nicole different was the fact that she was dying from cancer. 让凯茜与众不同的是她快死于癌症了。
- They climbed the steep mountain inch by inch. 他们一点一点地攀上那座陡峭的山。
- Cause be died by staking person or kill be kidnapped of the person, handle death sentence, be in confiscate property. 致使被绑架人死亡或者杀害被绑架人的,处死刑,并处没收财产。
- Evil come to us by ell and go away by inch. 祸来大步流星,祸去磨磨蹭蹭。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- She was dying with hunger. 她饿得要死了。
- The river was rising by inches, threatening us. 河水渐渐地涨上来了,威胁着我们。