- He and his brother always see eye to eye. 他和他兄弟的看法总是一致的。
- Mom and dad never see eye to eye on anything. 妈和爸从来没有对任何一件事有一致的看法。
- I hope we can see eye to eye about the other terms of the agency then. 我希望到那时候我们能在代理协议的其他条款上能取得一致意见。
- He may not see eye to eye with me, but he's no call to insult me in that way. 他尽可以不同意我的意见,但他没有理由那样侮辱我。
- We may not see eye to eye about that. 这件事我们可能看法不完全一致。
- I think we see eye to eye on that subject. 我认为我们在那个问题上看法一致。
- Mom and Dadnever see eye to eye on anything. 妈和爸从来没有对任何一件事有一致的看法。
- Barry and I don't see eye to eye. 巴里与我的见解并不完全一致。
- I'm sorry I can't see eye to eye with you. 很抱歉,我和你的看法不同。
- Jim and I have never seen eye to eye on this matter. 我和吉姆对此事的意见从来就不一致。
- My father and I see eye to eye on the problem. 我和我爸爸在这个问题上看法一致。
- We don't usually see eye to eye on many things. 我们在许多事情上意见不和。
- I don't see eye to eye with him. 我跟他说不来。
- We see eye to eye on the matter. 我们在这个问题上意见致。
- We see eye to eye on this question. 对这个问题我们看法一致。
- We see eye to eye on this subject. 我们对这个论题看法一致。
- I'm afraid we don't see eye to eye on this. 恐怕我们在这一点上达不成共识。
- I don't see eye to eye with my husband. 我和我丈夫说话不投机。
- I don't see eye to eye with my wife. 我和妻子没什么共同语言。
- I don't see eye to eye with you. 我的想法和你的不一样。