Taichi Sanshou is the extension of Taichi push-hands exercise. 太极散手是太极推手技法的延伸。
We treat the male athletes of Sanshou team suffering from anaemia according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. 我们采用中医辩症论治理论,运用健脾补血的方法对散手贫血运动员进行治疗,通过服药前后血液常规检查对比,胁有明显的提高,贫血症状改善。
At present, the application of biomechanics in Sanshou is far from satisfactory. 然而,通过生物力学在武术散打中的应用现状分析,其结果令人忧虑。
This Art of War Extreme Kungfu Sanshou encourages fighters from every background to challenge themselves and bring out the warrior within. 这次极限武术散打活动从各方面激励拳手来挑战自我,并展示他们勇士的风采。