- ST段上抬 ST segment elevation
- ST段弓形上抬 coving of ST segment
- 该信号被本地局域网段上任何一个cable modem接收。 The signal is received by any cable modems on the local LAN segment.
- 在网络这一段上每秒接收的帧的总数。 The total number of frames received per second on this network segment.
- 沙四段上亚段 upper Es4
- 一段 section
- 南水北调中线河南渠段上第三系软岩工程特性浅析 Brief Disscusion of the Engineering Characteristics of Tertiary Period Soft Rock in Henan Canal Section in Middle Line of S-N Water Transfer Project
- 两段上向流曝气生物滤池 two - sect UBAF
- 举起后雨刷臂以将雨刷片和元件从后升降闸门玻璃上抬起。 Lift the rear wiper arm to raise the wiper blade and element off of the rear liftglass.
- 非ST段 Non - ST elevation
- 最初非相应ST段压低的急性心肌梗塞患者临床特征及预后 Clinical features and prognosis of the initial non-corresponding ST-segment depression in patients with acute myocardial infarction
- 自体移植骨段上复发的成釉细胞瘤-临床及影像学分析 Clinico-radiological investigation of recurrences of ameloblastoma in autogenous bone grafts
- ST段下移 ST segment depression
- 投石压浆无砂混凝土小桩在京珠高速公路湖北段上的应用与推广 Application and Spread of Dropped Stone, Grouting and No Sand Concrete Pile in Construction of the Section of HubeiProvince of Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway
- 急性心肌梗塞尿激酶溶栓治疗早期ST段变化对预后的评价 Evaluation of Prognosis by Early ST segment Analysis in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Through Venous Urokinase Therapy
- 心电图ST段 electrocardiographic ST-segment
- 圆锥破碎机主要用于破碎设备的第二或第三破碎段上,它特别适合于对从中硬到硬质物料进行破碎。 Cone Crushers are used for crushing of medium-hard to extremely hard, tenacious and brittle products demanding a final grain with a high cubic grain proportion.
- 非ST段抬高 Non - ST segment elevation
- 从词典里随便取一个字,并把它应用到一个即兴小段上、歌曲上、和弦变化上,或独奏方法上(不要忘记使用夸张的技术)。 Take a random word from the dictionary, and apply it to a riff, song, chord change, or soloing approach (and do not forget to use the exaggeration technique).
- 墓碑形ST段 tombstone-shaped ST segment