- SIMPLE算法 SIMPLE algorithm
- 基于可压缩SIMPLE算法的叶栅通道湍流流场的数值模拟 Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow for Cascade Passage Based on Compressible SIMPLE Arithmetic
- 动量插值与完全压力校正算法及交错网格SIMPLE算法的比较 Comparison between SIMPLE Algorithm and Momentum Interpolation and Complete Pressure Correction Based on Non-staggered Grid System
- 采用雷诺应力模型(Reynolds stress model,简称RSM),在三维贴你坐标系下采用SIMPLE算法求解控制方程,应用Fluent程序数值模拟PV型旋风分离器内三维流场。 The Reynolds stress model (RSM) and Fluent program were used to simulate the three-dimension flow field in PV type cyclone,and the SIMPLE algorithm was used to solve the governing equation in three-dimension BFC( Body-fitted coordinates) grids.
- 算法设计 algorithm design
- 算法设计与分析 The Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- 控制算法 control algorithm
- 聚类算法 clustering algorithm
- 启发式算法 heuristic algorithm
- 迭代算法 iterative algorithm
- 最优控制算法 algorithm for optimal control
- 渐缩算法 knapsack algorithm
- 调度算法 scheduling algorithm
- K-P算法 K-P calculation
- KKR算法 KKR calculation
- 逼近算法 approximate algorithm
- "分裂和合并" 算法 split-and-merge algorithm
- 按序算法 sequential algorithm
- 编译算法 compiling algorithm
- 标准算法 canonical algorithm