- Open glass to vent position. 打开玻璃至通风口位置。
- Move glass carriage to vent position and remove rearward adjustment bolt from adjustment bracket. 将玻璃搬运车移至通风口位置,并从调节支架上拆卸后调节螺栓。
- I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找个人出出气。
- He filled the glass to the brim. 他将杯子斟得满满的。
- When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我受尽挫折,怒火冲天时,禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。
- She set the glass to her lips/her lips to the glass. 她把玻璃杯送到嘴边[用嘴唇触及玻璃杯]。
- Running is best way to vent your nasty emotions! 跑步是发泄你糟糕情绪最好的方式!
- He looked in the glass to check that his tie was straight. 他对著镜子看领带是否系正。
- He just said it to vent his anger. 他说的是气话。
- Install drain hose to vent tube at bottom of pump. 在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。
- He longed to vent on George all the spite he felt against his former associates. 他很想把自己对过去同事的怨恨发泄在乔治身上。
- I'd like to raise my glass to our host. 我要来和我们的主人干一杯。
- I raise my glass to the happy pairs, wishing them a long life together. 我为这幸福的一对举杯,愿他们白头偕老。
- She tossed her glass to her mouth. 她将杯子举到嘴边。
- She's long-sighted and needs glasses to read. 她是远视眼,看书要戴眼镜。
- Frequently open the vent valve to vent out the air in side the system. 经常开启管道排空阀门,以排出系统中的空气。
- People wear glasses to improve their vision. 人们戴眼镜以改善视力。
- She was jealousglad of any excuse to vent her pique. 她嫉妒,并且以找借口发泄她的怒气为乐。
- I raise my glass to your great success. 为你的巨大成功干杯。
- He smoked a sheet of glass to look at the sun . 他熏黑了一块玻璃,用以观看太阳。