- Basical Clinical Observation of Cracked Tooth with One visit RCT 隐裂牙不同根管治疗方法比较观察
- The comet is not bound and makes but one visit to the solar system. 慧星是不受约束的,只是来访问一次太阳系。
- The Big Bad Wolf chased all our friends away and no one visit us anymore. 大坏狼赶走了我们的所有的朋友,再也没人来拜访我们了。
- For some, it is not uncommon to take three to five showers in one visit! 对于有些人来说,在一次洗澡的过程中要冲澡三到五次是很罕见的。
- After my arrest in December and two weeks' detention in prison, I had one visit from Evelyn. 我在十二月被捕后,在监狱中被拘留了两周,伊夫琳探望了我一次。
- Instead he is eligible for Doncaster's League One visit to Nottingham Forest tonight. 他反而有资格于今晚唐卡斯特作客到诺丁汉森林的英甲比赛上场。
- Everywhere one visit, surmounting, fusion, sharing the idea passes on to the motherland. 所到之处,将“超越、融合、共享”的理念传至神州大地。
- On one visit I took note of a TV repairman because I knew I needed his services. 有一次我有台电视要修,因此想找一个修电视的人。
- In the United States, most of the elections are held together in November, so that a voter needs to make one visit to the voting place. 在美国, 多数选举都安排在十一月份一起举行。 这样, 一个选民只需去选地一次。
- Some plans master publicly to brainwash, the everywhere one visit 人头攒动, buys a 2 India Yuan admission ticket, but also must operate the back door. 某策划大师公开洗脑,所到之处人头攒动,买一张2印元的门票,还要开后门。
- Fingal, who took over the operations group three weeks before the Code One visit, deployed to Andersen in 2007 as part of a theater security package. 芬 加尔在本刊记者到访前三周接掌作战机群的行动指挥权,他在2007年做为太平洋安全部队的成员被派到安德森空军基地。
- Continues “” the character love song samisen in not to be lucky rapidly in two years, everywhere one visit causes the media and singer fan's attention all in abundance. 延续着“不”字情歌的弦子在两年时间里迅速走红,所到之处无不引起媒体及歌迷的纷纷关注。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- On one visit to the supermarket group he was greeted by a sign in the visitors' car park with his name on it and then by a receptionist who had prepared tea knowing his usual number of sugars. 有一次参观这家超市集团时,伍德罗夫受到了体贴周到的欢迎:参观者停车场的招牌上写着他的名字,为他备茶的接待员甚至清楚他通常所放的方糖的数目。
- If one visits impromptu, is the intended host obligated to accept the visit or can the visitor politely be turned away? 如果有客人突然造访,是主人会刻意的拒绝接待呢还是客人会被有礼貌的劝走呢?
- Methods: 216 teeth with acute pulpitis without previous treatment were divided into four groups at random, and the canal therapy was completed at one visit with different root canal filling materials. 方法:随机选择急性牙髓炎患者,共216颗患牙,以不同充填材料充填根管,一次性完成根管治疗,对病人进行随访观察疗效。
- No one visiting the United States should feel uncomfortable or incorrect if he chooses to follow his own native habits. 到美国旅游的人如果要照自己国家的风俗习惯去做,也不必觉得难为情或有什么不对。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- As one visits the temple, a more effortless connection to one's soul, oversoul and source shall be provided. 当你拜访圣殿时,你将更轻易地得到与你灵魂、超灵和源头的联系。