- never dreaming the while that he lives in the dark unfathomed mammoth cave of this world, and has but the rudiment of an eye himself. 一点不在乎他自己就生活在这个世界的深不可测的大黑洞里,自己的眼睛里早就是没有瞳仁的了。
- (19) never dreaming the while that he lives in the dark unfathomed mammoth cave of this world, and has but the rudiment of an eye himself. 而此时此刻,他却做梦也不觉得其实自己就活在深不可测的巨窟之中,且已然不存在眼睛这个器官了。
- A hermit used to live in the cave. 一位隐士曾经住在那个山洞里。
- Building the new railroad will be a mammoth job. 修建那条新铁路将是一项巨大工程。
- We kindled a firebrand in the cave. 我们在山洞里点燃火把。
- The mammoth fell into an ice crevasse. 猛犸掉进冰河裂缝里了。
- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。
- Seen from within, the cave looked larger. 从内部看,那个地洞显得更大。
- The dark, dank cave gave me the willies. 这阴暗潮湿的山洞使我感到心惊肉跳。
- There is a bear in the inmost recesses of the cave. 洞穴的最深处有只狗熊。
- A mammoth is a large hairy type of elephant in ancient times. 猛犸是古代一种身体庞大、长着长毛的大象。
- Where's the entrance to the cave? 这个洞穴的入口在哪里?
- A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave. 一块巨大的圆石堵住了山洞的入口。
- They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure. 他们到山洞去寻找宝藏。
- The enemy had to cave in and surrender. 敌人只好屈服投降。
- The entry of the cave was hidden by trees. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。
- A big rock blocked the mouth of the cave. 一块大石头堵住了洞口。
- The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm. 男孩子们在山洞里挤成一团取暖。
- A small cave was the only refuge from the cold. 小洞穴是唯一的避寒处。
- Mammoth machines are always made of ferrous metal. 大型机械的材质一般是黑色金属。