- MTI滤波 Moving target indicator filter
- 二维时频面的MTI滤波算法研究 MTI Filtering Algorithm Using Two-Dimension Time-Frequency Plane
- 中值滤波 median filtering
- MTI moving target indication(MTI)
- 卡尔曼滤波 Kallman filtering
- 参差MTI Stagger MTI
- 低通滤波 low-pass filtering
- 频率捷变与MTI兼容性 Compatibility of frequency agility operation and MTI
- 滤波电容 filter capacitor
- MTI雷达的最小可检测速度 Minimum Detectable Velocity of MTI Radar
- 全数字MTI正交双通道的实现 Orthogonal double channels of MTI realized in digital circuit
- 包滤波 packet filtering
- 一种二阶递归MTI滤波器的参数设计方法 Parameter design of second order recursive MTI filter
- 数字滤波 digital filtering
- 大扩展比参差MTI滤波器设计 Design of Non-Uniform-PRF MTI Filter With Large Extension Ratio
- E滤波 ε filter
- MTI滤波器最佳权矢量的快速算法 A fast algorithm for obtaining the optimum weighting vector of the MTI filter
- 滤波 filtration
- 机载雷达自适应MTI技术及其应用 Airborne Radar Adaptive MTI Technique and Its Application
- 指数滤波 exponent filtering