- Please attach the list of projects to this contract. 附项目清单。
- Represents a list of projects and their configurations that are to be built. 表示要生成的项目及其配置的列表。
- By the end of week 6, each team submits list of project subtopics and team member(s) assigned to each subtopic. 6每组须在第六周完结前提交专题次题目,每个次题目须已指派组员负责。
- Details of China's aid budgets are considered a state secret, it adds, although it appends a full list of projects in receipt of Chinese money in 2008. 报告称,中国援助预算的细节被视为国家机密,但中国在2008年附录了一个接受中国援助的所有项目的名单。
- Directory Submitter also allows you to create an unlimited number of projects, so you can keep an independent list of submissions for every website you operate. 目录提交你还可以创建无限数量的项目,这样你就可以保持一个独立的名单提交的每一个网站上运行。
- His name was deleted from the list of candidates. 他的名字被从候选人的名单上除去。
- The Item name label underneath the listing of projects confirms your selection. 项目列表下面的“项名称”标签确认了您的选择。
- The police have compiled a list of suspects. 警方已编制了涉嫌者名单。
- Here is a detailed list of our offer. 这是我们的一份报价清单。
- Read over that list of names for me, please. 请把那份名单给我念一遍吧。
- The society publish its list of member annually. 该协会每年出版其会员名单。
- Anne Jefferson (Highly Allochthonous), Erik Klemetti (Eruptions), and I have a list of projects dealing with rocks, sand, water, weather, soil, and anything that gets kids outside. 就这样,星球温度起起落落,反反复复,但却始终处于一个适宜雏菊生长的范围。
- Housework is low on her list of priorities. 在她那些非做不可的事情中,家务活并不重要。
- Make a list of the various options. 列出可供选择的项目。
- Collins heads the list of job candidates. 柯林斯是这个职务候选人名单上的首先人物。
- The teacher has made out a list of reference books. 教师已开出了一份参考书单。
- This list of names has a few omissions. 这名单有若干缺漏。
- He rattled through the list of names. 他口中像爆豆一般念那名单。
- Completion of projects on time and within budget. 按时按预算完成项目的程度。
- I append a list of those shops which sell our products. 我附上一张出售我们产品的商店名单。