- An Evaluation of Land Use Effect in Guangzhou 广州市土地利用效益评价
- Land use statistics are at Appendix 41. 土地用途的统计数字列于附录43。
- Me: I brought the land use contract. 我埋头找那个土地承包合同,却一时找不到。
- Land use right may be transferred by law. 土地使用权可以依法转让。
- Land usufruct is the purpose of land use right. 摘要土地收益权是土地使用权的目的。
- Meanwhile, the land use change in Wuxi municipali-ty has led to the obvious environment effect. 土地利用快速变化也导致明显环境效应。
- The value is admittedly fundamental, but capital use effect is mainer. 价格固然重要,但资金使用效果更重要。
- The new law does not refer to land used for farming. 这条新的法律不适用于农用土地。
- That the exfoliator queen uses effect is a plus. 去角质后使用效果尤佳。
- It is of significance to study the effect of land use change on ecosystem service values. 研究土地利用变化对区域生态系统服务价值的影响具有重要意义。
- Effect of population increase on land use in Shuangbai was notable, but it was not marked in Chuxiong. 人口增长对双柏县的土地利用变化影响大,对楚雄市的影响不明显。
- Who should be responsible for the out-of-control land use? 土地失控谁之过?
- How to establish the deadline of land use right mortage? 土地使用权抵押期限如何设定?
- Land use planning and approval, project and site choice. 土地规划、用地审批。
- Anshan and Benxi were low,but Fushun high in land use intensity. 鞍山、抚顺和本溪3市土地利用程度变化综合指数分别为0.;82、4
- Function、use、effect、and problem of bovine somatotrop(BST) on lactation of dairy cow were elucidated in the article. 本文对牛生长激素(BST)对奶牛泌乳的作用机制、应用方法、效果及带来的问题等方面进行了论述。
- A bill to clarify certain land use in Jefferson County, Colorado. 466厘清科罗拉多州杰弗逊郡特定土地使用权法案。
- This sign marking device installment has obtained the good actual use effect on the tire uniform testing machine. 本打标装置在轮胎均匀性试验机上取得了良好的实际使用效果。
- This paper analyzes current land use characteristics of Wuxi URIA. 本文分析了近年来无锡市城乡结合部的土地利用特点;
- What is land uses overall planning? 什么是土地利用总体规划?