- It takes about eleven hours. 大约需要十一个小时。
- It takes eleven hours to fly from Canada to China today. 今天从加拿大飞去中国需要十一个小时。
- It takes about nine hours to go there by train. 乘火车去大约要9个小时。
- It takes about five hours by road(= driving). 开车大约要花五个小时。
- It takes about half an hour to get to the airport. 到机场大概需要半小时。
- It take about nine hours to go there by train. 乘火车去大约要9个小时。
- It take about one hour by freeway. 走高速公路要一个小时左右吧。
- It take about two weeks to go surface mail from here to London. 普通邮件从这儿寄往伦敦要花两个星期左右时间。
- It takes about three hours so you'll arrive just before 10: 45. 路上要走3小时,所以你将刚好在10点45分前抵达。
- It takes about three hours so you'll arrive just before 10:45. 要走3小时,所以你刚好在10点45分前抵达。
- It takes about two hours to go from Beijing to Tianjing by train. 从北京到天津乘火车要花大约两小时。
- A You can catch the overnight train. It takes about 12 hours. A你可以乘夜车。需要12个小时。
- It takes about an hour, provided there are no hiccups. 如果没有意外,安装过程需要大约1小时。
- It takes about one hour for the mite to bury itself in the skin. 螨虫需要花费一个小时才能将自己埋藏到皮肤之下。
- It takes about one week, I think. 我想大概一星期。
- Well, it takes about twenty minutes on foot. 嗯,需要走大约20分钟。
- It takes about three days to produce tempeh. 本产品为发酵食品、一般需3个工作天来制作。接受订制。
- It takes about a week for the seeds to sprout. 这些种子大约要一周后才会发芽。
- It take about twenty minutes by bus. 坐公共汽车大约要20分钟。
- But it takes about 15 hours,so we'll arrive around 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. 大约15个小时吧,我们明天上午10点左右能到。