- Ichiki Kazuki 一木香告树(1929-),日本人,工会领导人。
- Could you tell us about the differences between Nico and Kazuki? 你能说说他俩的差别吗?
- Kazuki Nakajima insists he is fully fit to tackle the Malaysian grand prix. 中岛一贵坚持说,他是完全适合解决马来西亚大奖赛.
- You have a new team mate in Kazuki Nakajima this year, how are you two getting on? 今年你有了新队友中岛一贵,你们两个处的怎么样?
- Kazuki joins with Tokiko to battle with the Homunculi and protect his friends and his sister Mahiro. 在和一个个奇怪的强敌的战斗中,和树作为一个炼金战士成长着。
- A bitter-sweet and uplifting comedy drama about a young girl Mio and her brother Kazuki. 阿苦甜和令人振奋的喜剧,讲述一个年轻的姑娘宇和她的哥哥和树。
- His teammate Kazuki Nakajima was also quick, but so too were the other runners (Brawn and Toyota) who are accused of using dubious rear diffusers. 他的队友中岛一贵也很快,但也有其他运动员(布朗和丰田)谁被指控使用可疑后方扩散.
- Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel was disappointed to qualify fourth at Monaco, after encountering a slow-moving Kazuki Nakajima. 红牛维泰尔感到失望的资格排在第四,摩纳哥,之后遇到了缓慢移动的中岛一贵。
- She implants the only other successful work of alchemy than the Homunculus, the Kakugane, to take the place of Kazuki's heart. 获得独一无二的武装炼金“突击枪”力量的和树,知道了吞噬人的怪物赫姆克鲁斯的存在,踏入了战斗的世界。
- Nico Rosberg slipped to fourth after topping the first session, as both him and his Williams teammate Kazuki Nakajima shed wheel-fairing discs. 罗斯伯格下滑至第四突破后的第一届会议,因为他和他的队友威廉姆斯的中岛一贵下跌轮整流罩光盘.
- Kazuki, A., 1994, “Engineer Approach to the Overturn Accident Prevention of Mobile Crane and Similar Equipment,” Jitsumu Tenbo, No.161, pp.9-12. 吴铭峰;1997;移动式起重机过负荷预防装置之设计改进研究;”硕士论文;淡江大学.
- Suddenly three girls, Yuna Miyama, Kuriko Kazetsubaki and Rin Kamishiro, enter Kazuki's life in order to obtain his valuable genes. 不能像别人一样平常的使用魔法,使他的生活一片灰暗。
- The British team's Nico Rosberg and Kazuki Nakajima captured the top two spots at the Circuit de Catalunya, ahead of local hero Fernando Alonso. 英国车队的罗斯伯格和中岛一贵抓获顶端两个位置在卡塔伦亚之前,当地的英雄阿隆索.
- One night, Kazuki Muto jumps in to try to save what he thinks is a girl in distress from a monster and instead gets impaled through the heart. 过着极其普通的高中生活的武藤和树,在有天晚上想救被怪物袭击的少女时,不幸死去了。
- Then, at work, an up-and-coming young designer, Makoto Teshima (Kazuki Kato) returns from London, and Hotaru's life takes a new turn.She falls in love! 为撮合优华和手岛,特意举办了一个畅饮会,并要小萤跳舞助兴,而这天优华亦知道手岛喜欢的人是小萤。
- Kouichi Sanada and Kazuki Aihara's childhood friend Mao Mizusawa has returned after living in France for a couple of years. 故事发生在高中2年的暑假结束之后的暑假,从今天开始就是新学期了。男主角的高中生涯已经所剩无几,可他觉得自己还没有接过吻。
- NR: Kazuki comes into the team as a rookie next season, so I will have the job of leading the development of the car from a driver perspective. 罗斯博格:下个赛季一贵将作为新人加入到车队,所以从车手角度来看,我必须要承担起引导赛车发展的工作。
- Field operations of the Japan's Kazuki Nakajima Zhuangdiao been implicated by a nose, had to go back to replace the former nose. 本场作战的日本车手中岛一贵受到牵连被撞掉了鼻翼,不得不回去更换前鼻翼。
- Kazuki Nakajima has confirmed widespread paddock speculation that his links with Toyota helped him secure the Williams race seat. 中岛一贵围场已确认普遍猜测,他与丰田帮助他安全威廉姆斯车手席位.
- Sebastian Buemi punted Nelson Piquet off, while Heikki Kovalainen and Kazuki Nakajima shunted alone, the latter Williams while negotiating the last lap. 塞巴斯蒂安Buemipunted皮奎特关闭,而科瓦莱宁和单独分流中岛一贵,后者将在谈判的最后一圈.