But this unusual idea of synchronicity is easily explained by the Hindu view of reality. 但这个关于同步性的不寻常点子,可以简单的由印度人对于现实的视点解释。
The Arya Samaj became a bulwark against the encroachments of Islam and Christianity, and its orthodox flavour appealed to many Hindu minds. 雅利安社成为了反对伊斯兰教和基督教侵蚀的壁垒,它的保守传统迎合了很多印度人的思想。
用作形容词 (adj.)
The Hindu way of burning the body is very significant. 印度的燃烧身体的方法非常有意义。
Nevertheless, it is known that Hindu ascetics occasionally visited Greece. 然而,众所周知,印度的苦行僧偶然会拜访希腊。
What is the Hindu theory on the existence of ghosts. 印度有关鬼灵存在形式的理论是什么。