- Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 职业安全和健康署
- At Johns Hopkins University. I am studying health administration. 在约翰斯·霍普金斯大学,学健康管理。
- Confiscated drugs shall be disposed of under the supervision of the department responsible for health administration. 没收的药品由卫生行政部门监督处理。
- State officials and members of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration were investigating the mishap. 州政府官员和工作人员的职业安全与卫生当局正在调查这一事件。
- Health administration departments under the State Council shall be in charge of frontier health and quarantine work throughout the country. 国务院卫生行政部门主管全国国境卫生检疫工作。
- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issues workplace safety regulations. 职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)负责发布工作场所安全规范。
- She holds 3 specialities: public health, health administration, tropical medicine. She is also a retired president of the Nursing college of Lapland. 她有3个学位:公共健康,健康管理,热带医学。她也是拉普兰岛看护学院的退休校长。
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Subpart 2-Toxic and hazardous substance.Code of federal regulations 29(part 1910.10000), 1981, 673-679. 行政院环境保护署(1998)地面水体分类及水质标准,环署水字第0039259号修正。
- NIDA, NIAAA, and NIMH were created as coequal institutes within the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration in 1974. NIDA,NIAAA和NIMH于1974年作为酒精、药物滥用和精神卫生行政管理中同等机构建立。
- VHA (Veterans Health Administration in the U.S.) already started computerizing its Healthcare delivery system back in 1982. VHA(美国退伍军人卫生管理局)早在1982年就开始将其医疗保健系统计算机化了。
- However, a transporter handling the destruction of the above mentioned drugs with a local health administration’s certificate shall be exempted. 但持有当地卫生主管机关证明,为办理该药品销毁作业而运输者,不在此限。
- Experience in agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration suggests that a rigid, penal style of enforcement can be counterproductive. 像职业安全和卫生管理署这样的机构的经验表明,严格、刑罚式的执行决定很可能产生不了什么作用。
- It is of great significance to the health administrators to impro... 这对于卫生行政管理者提高卫生资源管理的质量和水平具有十分重要的意义。
- Detailed provisions for the administration of local customarily used folk medicines will be laid down by the State Council department responsible for health administration. 第三十二条地区性民间习用药材的具体管理办法,由国务院卫生行政部门制定。
- Donabedian, A.(1980).Exploration in quality assessment and monitoring (Vol.I). The Definition of Quality and Approaches. Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration Press. 谭开元(1999).;我国医院评鑑制度暨医疗品质之政策与目标
- As the pathfinder field of this round of government reshuffle, the reform of the Health administration is derived from the public hope for a breakthrough of new medicine reform. “大卫生”成为此次机构改革的先行领域,背后是被寄希望新医改由此破题。
- The coming of the new century and the deepening national health reform calls for some adjustments in training Students majoring in health administration. 新世纪的到来以及中国卫生改革的深入,对卫生管理专业本科学历教育提出了新的要求。
- Licenses for medical radioactive materials or medical ionizing radiation installations, shall be issued by the AEC in coordination with the National Health Administration. 属于医用之放射性物质或可发生游离辐射设备执照,应会同卫生署发给之。
- Objective Through analyzing two-way referral for out-patients,to provide references for the development of health administration and hospital management. 目的通过开展门诊病人双向转诊的实证研究,获取有关证据,为卫生管理和医院管理提供决策证据。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。