- With one stroke of his ax,he had cut the tree down. 他一斧子就砍倒了这棵树。
- The shipbuilder will be happy to buy such sturdy wood,”and he cut the tree down and carried him away. 它想:“我再也不能像我梦想的那样了,我现在这个样子怎能指向上帝呢?
- A woodsman came to the second tree and said, "This tree will do.The shipbuilder will be happy to buy such sturdy wood, "and he cut the tree down and carried him away. 第二个伐木工人看了看第二棵树,说道:“这棵树很强壮,造船的工匠一定会乐意买这样结实的树。”
- A woodsman came to the second tree and said,”This tree will do.The shipbuilder will be happy to buy such sturdy wood,”and he cut the tree down and carried him away. 第二个伐木工人看了看第二颗树,说道:“这棵树很强壮,造船的工匠一定会乐意买这样结实的树。”
- He cut the tree down. 他砍倒了这棵树。
- He cut the little branches in the tunk of the tree. 他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。
- He cut the dead limbs off the tree. 他将树上的枯枝砍去。
- With one stroke of his ax, he had cut the tree down. 他一斧子就砍倒了这棵树。
- The man first cut the tree down and then cut it up. 那人先把树砍倒,然后把它劈成碎片。
- He cut down the tree close at the base. 他在近根处将树砍倒。
- He cut the iron pole to the size he wanted. 他把铁杆锯成他需要的尺寸。
- He cut down the tree at the base. 他从底部砍倒这棵树。
- If they must cut the tree down, then they should commission a plaque to commemorate that tree. 如果他们一定要砍那棵树,就应该委人制作一个刻字的金属板来纪念这棵树。
- He cut the meat with a blunt knife. 他用一把钝刀子切肉。
- We cut the tree down successfully, but had a lot of trouble levering the roots out as they were fixed firmly in the earth. 我们顺利地砍倒了树,但是撬掉树根却费了很大的劲,因为树根牢牢地长在地里。
- He cut the cake up and gave each of us a piece. 他把饼切开分给我们每人一小块。
- He cut the hedge with garden shears. 他用园艺大剪刀修剪树篱。
- We cut the tree down successfully,but had a lot of trouble levering the roots out as they were fixed firmly in the earth. 我们顺利地砍倒了树,但是撬掉树根却费了很大的劲,因为树根牢牢地长在地里。
- He cut the figure of a woman out of that rock with a chisel. 他用凿子把那块石头刻成了一个女人像。
- He cut the cake into pieces and gave each of us a wedge. 他把蛋糕切成块,给我们每人分了一块。