- He contracted the disease. 他得了病。
- If he had been inoculated against smallpox, he would not have contracted the disease. 如果他真的种过牛痘的话,他就不会得病了。
- Why the animals have contracted the disease remains unclear. 这些动物感染这种病的原因仍然不清楚。
- The first known outbreak of Legio aires' disease was in Philadelphia, USA, in 1976.A total of 221 people contracted the disease and 34 died. 军团病已知的首次爆发是在发是1976年美国费城,221人感染疾病,其中死亡34人。
- The infections likely started when a waitress at Dover Straits who is also a food preparer at Pine Meadows contracted the disease and then spread it to two customers. 传染似乎开始于多佛海峡的一个女侍者并且她还是松牧场的食品调制员,她将这种疾病传染给了两个顾客。
- The state\'s health director, Dr.David Lakey, at an Austin news conference, called it "highly likely" that the boy contracted the disease in Mexico before his trip to the U.S. 该州的卫生主任,博士大卫Lakey,在奥斯汀新闻发布会,称这是“非常可能”,这名男孩在被感染之后在曾经从墨西哥到访过美国。
- Consider the fact that in the country of Botswana, the life expectancy is 36 years for somebody with AIDS compared to 71 years for somebody who has not contracted the disease. 我们要知道这样一个事实:在博茨瓦纳这个国家,某艾滋病患者的寿命是36,而相比之下,一个非艾滋病患者的寿命却可达到71岁。
- The disease from which he died was at that time incurable. 他死于一种那个年代不能医治的病。
- Humans can contract the disease when they inhale dust from dried bird droppings or respiratory secretions. 当人类吸入带有干鸟粪或是鸟类分泌物的灰尘后;可能会感染这种疾病.
- Because of medical advances this year, far fewer people who contract the intestinal disease will develop severe cases of the disease. 由于医疗技术的进步,很少有患有肠道疾病的人会有强烈的发病。
- What can we do to prevent the disease spreading? 我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?
- He contracted huge debts by rash spending. 他由于大手大脚地花钱而负了大量的债。
- He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. 他因输血染上了艾滋病。
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- The disease only takes a few days for the patient to contract the infection, develop symptoms, become dehydrated(a lot of fluid is lost by the severe diarrhea), and die. 患者从感染、出现症状、开始脱水(严重的腹泻会流失大量体液)到死亡,只需几天。
- He contracted malaria while he was travelling. 他在旅行时染上了疟疾。
- The disease results in creeping paralysis. 这种病可发展成脊髓痨。
- He contracted to supply me with coal regularly. 他订约按期供给我煤。
- He contracted huge debts by rash spending . 他由于乱花钱而背上沉重的债务。