- H型多功能纳米CaCO3母料 H-type Multi Functional Nano-CaCO3 Masterbatch
- 本文用溶液法制备的不同单体改性PP包覆纳米CaCO3母料制备纳米CaCO3/PP复合材料,用DSC和POM研究了复合材料中PP的结晶与熔融行为及结晶形态。 Nano-CaCO_3/PP composites were prepared by nano-CaCO_3 masterbatch modified by reactive monomers. The crystallization,melting behavior,and crystallization morphology of nano-CaCO_3/PP composites and modified nano-CaCO_3/PP composites were measured by DSC and POM.
- EN型多功能母料 EN Multifunctional Masterbatch
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- 气密外壳(ex h) hermetically sealed enclosure(Ex h)
- 亚纳米SiO2 Subnano-SiO2
- 高强度灌浆料 high strength grout
- 胎-母免疫 fetomaternal immunity
- "与" 型桥接 AND bridge
- 代料栽培 Substitute Cultivation
- 苏尼特母羊 Sunit ewes
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- 胎儿出血到母循环 Fetal hemorrhage into mother's circulation
- 料喷射引燃点火器 fuel injector igniter
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- 林型 crop type
- 风修正航空子母炸弹 wind correction aerial dispenser and bomblet