- The green mountains walk along the banks. 巍巍青山两岸走。
- Green mountains roll over one another. 青山层层叠嶂。
- The rising sun flushed the green mountain tops. 旭日映红了苍翠的山顶。
- It's a beautiful country with many large lakes and green mountains. 这是一个美丽的国家,它有许多大的湖泊和郁郁的丛山。
- Ever green mountains verdure the accompanying distance between us. 青山不老翠绿着我们相知相伴的距离。
- Barren hills and untamed rivers, green mountains and blue waters. 穷山恶水,青山绿水。无灾人养树,有灾树养人。
- There are many green mountains in this area, everywhere you see is green. 此地青山掩映,苍翠欲滴。
- The name Vermont comes from the French verts monts, or "green mountains. 该州的名字来自法语或“绿色山脉群”。
- After the car crossed the tunmel,we saw a great green mountain fields. 汽车穿过隧道,我们看到了一片绿色的山野。
- After the car had crossed the tunmel,we saw a great green mountain fields. 汽车穿过隧道,于是我们看到了一片绿色的山野。
- There is green mountain, and blue water here. It is really like Fairland. 这里青山绿水,真如灵境一般。
- Some apprentices accompanied home health aides on their visits, crisscrossing the frozen green Mountains, to care for the elderly and chronicslly ill. 一些实习生和家庭健康助理一起进行走访,往返奔波于冰冻的格林山脉去照顾年老和患慢性病的病人。
- The Green Mountains glow as a rose-colored sunset descends on a far corner of Vermont known as the Northeast Kingdom. 绿山像一轮玫瑰色的日落在佛蒙特一个被称为“东北王朝”的遥远的角落沉落一样闪耀。
- The city is located at a Champaign surrounding by many green mountains and has many beautiful natural resources. 城市由绿色山体环绕,平原部运纵横贯穿,是有独特优美的城市自然空间资源。
- The small island is surrounded by green mountains and various aquatic plants, and embraced with legends of Tsou Tribe. 岛虽不大,但是群山环抱中一岛苍翠,浮舟式的水上植物围绕岛屿,配上邵族的传说及文化,让旅客深深感受拉鲁岛的美景和传奇。
- On the river's right bank is China and a series of low green mountains and Fuyuan's newly built high-rises. 河的右岸是中国,一眼望去,连绵起伏的群山虽不高大,却显得青翠无比,还可以看到抚远市新建的一栋栋高楼大厦。
- Some apprentices accompanied home health aides on their visits,crisscrossing the frozen green Mountains,to care for the elderly and chronicslly ill. 一些实习生和家庭健康助理一起进行走访,往返奔波于冰冻的格林山脉去照顾年老和患慢性病的病人。
- Its situated in the middle section of picturesque Island Ring Road against green mountains facing white beach stretch and vast blue sea. 酒店位于风景如画的厦门环岛路中段,前邻洁白绵延的沙滩和碧波万倾的大海,后与青山绿水相依。
- Natural scenery, let us work together to give our cordial and warm natural feeling, shimmering green water, green mountains around. 大自然风光,让我们一起去感受自然給我们的亲切和温馨,波光绿水,青山环绕。
- Sequester yourself on a private beach with pristine sand, shimmering waters and lush, green mountains rising in the background. 置身于与世隔绝的私人海滩,沙软潮平,青山环绕,波光粼粼。