- Got a poodle for her birthday. 收到一只长卷毛狗作为她的生日礼物
- Got a poodle for her birthday 收到一只长卷毛狗作为她的生日礼物
- Granny Xu got a whole pile of money for her birthday. 许老太太在生日那天就收到了一大笔钱。
- They hired a minstrel for her birthday party. 他们为她的生日晚会请了一个艺人。
- For her birthday I bought her a piano. 我买了一架钢琴作为她的生日礼物。
- We're getting up a party for her birthday. 我们要给她开生日庆祝会。
- For her birthday party, Mary had a wiener roast in her back yard. 为庆祝生日,玛丽在她家后面的院子里搞个烤香肠聚会。
- She got a bed out for her unexpected guest. 她为那位突然到来的客人准备好一张床铺。
- Mary was in the seventh heaven; she had had a bicycle for her birthday. 玛丽在生日那天得到了一辆自行车,简直乐不可支。
- I'm going to buy Mother a present for her birthday. 我要去给母亲买件生日礼物。
- He gave her an expensive fur for her birthday. 他送给她一件昂贵的毛皮衣服作为生日礼物。
- She's got a few thousand pounds put away for her retirement. 她已存了几千镑以备退休之用。
- She wants a star pillow for her birthday. 她希望得到一个星星形状的枕头作为生日礼物。
- We give her a gift token for her birthday. 她过生日,我们送了她一张礼品券。
- I want to buy a present for her birthday. 我想为她的生日买件礼物。
- What should I get my mom for her birthday? 我应该为妈妈的生日买什么礼物呢?
- What should I get my wife for her birthday? 问:我该给我妻子买什么生日礼物?
- I'd like to bake her a cake for her birthday. 我想要为她的生日烤一个蛋糕。
- All my mother wants for her birthday is not to be reminded of it. 我母亲在生日想要的,只是别叫她想起生日而已。
- I'm going to make a cake for her birthday. 她过生日的时候我想做一个蛋糕给她。