- The content of financial innovation? 金融创新应该做些什么?
- Financial innovation development makes stride in recent years. 近年来在金融创新方面进展迅速。
- The bewitching thing about financial innovation is its novelty and its complexity. 金融创新的迷人之处在于标新立异和纷繁复杂。
- A Demon of Our Own Design: Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation. 我们自己设计的魔鬼:市场、对冲基金和金融创新的危险。
- Financial innovation may not be an unmixed blessing because it really prevents proper regulation. 金融界的创新可能带来喜忧参半的结果,因为缺乏适当的规范。
- The financial innovation that was once the means of spreading risk is now an unmanageable source of instability. 金融创新一度是分散风险的途径,而今却成了无法操控的不稳定之源。
- Those who pay treasure to drive is similar " bargainor credit " financial innovation touched superintend " vacuum " . 支付宝推动的类似“卖方信贷”的金融创新触及了监管“真空”。
- Securities trader's profit growth and market liveness and the financial innovation service and so on is closely linked. 券商的盈利增长与市场活跃度和金融创新业务等息息相关。
- In the early 1970s,financial innovation brought about the problem of basic accounting theory because of the breakup of Bretton Woods. 本世纪70 年代初,由于布雷顿森林体系瓦解,金融创新对会计基本理论产生了冲击。
- They also are concerned that a consumer agency could be overly restrictive, limiting access to loans and constraining financial innovation. 另外,他们还担心消费者机构可能会具有过分的限制性,会限制获得贷款并制约金融创新。
- In the part of management strategy of interest risk, introduce the calculation of VAR, Asset-Liability-Management (ALM) and financial innovation. 在利率风险的管理策略里介绍了VAR的测算、资产负债管理和金融创新。
- There is inter-effect between regional financial innovation and financial element fluxion in the basic frame of regional element fluxion theory. 本文使用区域要素流动理论的基本框架分析金融要素跨地区流动,得出区域内的金融创新和区域间的金融要素流动之间存在相互影响的结论。
- With finance liberalizing and globalizing since seventies of 20 century, financial innovation has emerged one after another. 20世纪70年代以来,金融自由化、全球化的趋势锐不可挡,金融创新层出不穷。
- In fact, those who pay treasure to drive is similar " bargainor credit " financial innovation just touched superintend " vacuum " . 事实上,支付宝推动的类似“卖方信贷”的金融创新恰恰触及了监管的“真空”。
- He concludes by asking banks to continue to push forward with financial innovation while at the same time improving their risk management techniques. 他作出结论认为,应进一步推动银行进行金融领域改革的同时提高银行房地产信贷风险管理的技术水平。
- The structure, the elements and the environment of a system for financial innovation diffusion are analyzed and its motivation and infl. 金融创新扩散是指金融创新成果从扩散源出发,通过一定渠道,在潜在使用者之间传播使用的过程。
- Come as intellectual economy, company finance affairs shows more and more apparent inelasticity, financial innovation is imperative. 随着知识经济到来,公司财务显示出越来越明显的不适应性,财务创新势在必行。
- This time principal factor is the financial innovation develops excessively, but supervises disadvantageously, thus causes the financial crisis. 这次的主因是金融创新过度发展,但监管不利,从而导致金融危机。
- Instead, key officials, from Alan Greenspan on down, sang the praises of financial innovation and pooh-poohed warnings about the growing risks. 相反,从阿伦.;格林斯潘以降的许多主要官员,都在为这些金融创新高唱赞歌,而对有关风险增加的警告嗤之以鼻。
- Now this country has started its marketization of interest rates under the influence of financial innovation and financial disintermediation. 由于金融创新和随之而来的金融脱媒,中国开始了利率市场化的历程。