- Engel连分数展式 Engel-continued fraction expansion
- 连分数法 recursive method
- 渐近连分数 continued fractions
- 展 to use
- 泰勒展式 Taylor expansion
- 连分数算法 continued fractions algorithm
- 分数 fraction
- 多体展式 many-body expansion
- 嵌入式 flush bonding
- 连分数方法 method of recursion
- n-Engel n-Engel
- Engel群 Engel group
- 过去式 preterite
- 左n-Engel left n-Engel
- Edgewoah展式 Edgeworth expansion
- 连分数及其基本性质 Continued Fraction and its Basic Nature
- 弱左Engel元 Weak left Engel element
- 车展 car exhibition
- 式的 fashioned
- 有限简单连分数的几个应用 Applications of finite simple continued fraction