- Enforce kultur 执行文化
- The police are there to enforce the law. 有警方管执法。
- A writ empowering an officer to enforce a judgment. 执行令授予官员执行判决的令状
- Don't enforce your will on the child, please. 请别把你的意愿强加给这孩子。
- Policemen and judges enforce the law. 警察与法官执行法律。
- Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument? 你有任何统计资料可以加强你的论点吗?
- Do the policemen here enforce traffic rules strictly? 这里的警察严格执行交通规则吗?
- Jede Nation hat ihre eigene Kultur. 每个民族都有自己的文化。
- The new law about safety belts in cars will be difficult to enforce. 规定系汽车安全带的新法规将难以实施。
- Warum zert鰎en sie die Kultur in Tibet? 他们为什么要破坏西藏的文化呢?
- Lokalnyheter, innenriks, utenriks, sport og kultur. 网站简介 : Lokalavis for Sogn.
- Michael Gross: Tibet, .... Sprache, Kultur... 西藏,语言文化遭到破坏。。。
- To seek to obtain or enforce by legal action. 依法进行通过法律行为寻求或加强
- You have no right to enforce your own views on me. 你无权把你自己的观点强加给我。
- Policetmen and judges enforce the laws. 警察和法官执行法律。
- The right or power of a state to enforce the law. 司法权国家执行法律的权力
- This law in not is enforce at the present time. 目前该法停止强制执行。
- They tried to enforce agreement with their plans. 他们企图迫使人们同意他们的计划。
- Samfunnet respekterte bare penger, men ikke kultur og kunnskap. 社会尊重财富,却看淡文化和知识。
- You can't enforce cooperation between the players. 队员间的配合并非强迫命令而成。