- Eccedoxa selena n. 新月埃克祝蛾
- Selena is telling us something about fruit. 园长在给我们讲关于水果的知识呢!
- "Selena really special stressed. 张宗真特别强调说。
- Selena why you dont want to come leh !! 有很多好玩的小游戏!!
- Selena has a busy schedule with training and school. 马锦铃平日也忙于训练和学校事务。
- Selena: I fully accept that it’s a sensitive matter. 萨琳娜: 我完全明白这是一个敏感的事情。
- Selena: Two things that I haven't mentioned are cost and time. 萨琳娜:但我有两件事没有提,一是费用,一是时间。
- If you love the always amazing Selena Gomez this group is for you! 群组分享区 (6 项目 | 仅会员才可以新增内容至分享区。是否加入?
- Despite having previously worked with Nava on Mi Familia,Lopez was subjected to an intense auditioning process before she succeeded in landing the lead role in 1997's Selena. 尽管先前曾在《吾家》中与纳瓦共事,洛佩兹仍经历了严格的试镜程序,才成功获得1997年《塞莱娜》的主角一职。
- Music video - Selena Gomez, "Magic ...I hope you enjoy it!... music selena gomez magic - YouTube ... TRUVEO > 音乐 > YouTube > Music video - Selena Gomez; "Magic" 影片来源: YouTube. 本影片在第三方伺服器上储存及播放; ...
- While on vacation, Alex (Selena Gomez) accidentally casts a spell that threatens her family's existence! 虽然三人被禁止使用魔法,但他们经常捣蛋,最后雅丽斯更意外地施下了消灭整个家族的咒语!
- This led to other TV and small movie 3)roles, but her career really took off with her 4)portrayal of the Latino singer in Selena in 1997. 这使她获得在其它电视剧演出、以及在电影中担任小角色的机会,但是一直到1997年在《哭泣的玫瑰》中饰演那位拉丁歌手后,她的事业才真的开始飞黄腾达。
- Taiwan's most popular local comicker Selena Lin's "Selena's Comic School", "Selena's Grecian Eudaemon Tarot", "Flower Ring" became a hit in the market. 2004年在梦梦少女漫画月刊上连载作品的国民漫画小天后林青慧,再创漫画新风气!
- Selena: Well, I'm convinced that we've got the right people in our department. And just look at the benefits of handling the recruitment internally. 萨琳娜:我很确信我们应当从内部找人。而且看看内部招聘有多少的优势你就知道了。
- Selena: Yes, but it’s obviously going to be more expensive to train an outsider, and if we can save that money, I would be very pleased. 萨琳娜: 是的,很明显,培训一个外来人员花的钱更多。
- Selena has been diving for the past 5 years and has found success on the 1M claiming the gold medal at the past two Hong Kong Open Championships. 马锦铃五年前开始跳水,于过去两次的香港公开跳水锦标赛,她相继得到两枚金牌,在这里她找到成功!
- Selena has contributed much to her company but her boss does not appreciate her and she is ‘sacrificed’ for political reasons. 庄秀丽为公司鞠躬尽瘁,公司上层却为权利而互相倾轧,庄秀丽逐忿而辞职。
- In the tank when it is called by a female driver SELENA control, but she Biao's car expert, in general, let alone to attack the enemy, it can only see the end of the H5-N1 smoke! 在战车状态时它由一个名叫SELENA的女驾驶员控制,她可是飚车的高手,一般的敌人别说攻击了,根本只能看到H5-N1的尾烟!
- Selena: Well, there are several very good candidates working in the production department at the moment in our company. I don't see a problem about promoting one of them. 萨琳娜:恩,我们公司目前有一些工作在生产部的人,他们是非常好的候选人选。我觉得把他们其中一个提拔上来,不是问题。
- I browsed one article about deposite which made me think a lot. right, the article tells me quite much on financing .thus , pay more attention on this from now on , Selena. 丫丫已经能够用脚踢地面上的东西,已经能够明确用手指出什么是自己要的东西。这个家伙,只要是自己不想要的,她拿到手上就一扔,看也不看的!