- Division Through Army Group 师级至集团军群级
- Divisions now fit into a multilevel command structure.From Theatre, Army Group, Army, Corps through to Division. 师现在嵌入了一个多层次的指挥体系,从战区到集团军群,到集团军,到军再到师。
- Army Group Center reached Smolensk by July. 军队小组中心在7月前到达了斯摩棱斯克。
- The army group shipped out for the Far East today. 这支部队今天乘船赴远东。
- The Das Reich Division formed part of the order of battle of Army Group Centre at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa. “帝国”师在“巴巴罗萨”行动开始后隶属于中央集团军群。
- Army Group North was driving up along the Baltic toward Leningrad. 北方军团,沿着波罗的海向列宁格勒挺进。
- A succession of massive Soviet offensives had literally smashed their way through Manstein's Army Group South. 苏军的大型攻势的成功慢慢地削弱着曼施泰因的南方集团军群。
- On the southern wing of Army Group South, the Totenkopf Division was fighting a desperate rearguard battle around Kirovograd as the Eighth Army fell back to the River Dniester. 在南面的南方集团军群的侧翼,“骷髅”师在基洛夫格勒奋不顾身地战斗来掩护第8集团军撤过顿涅斯特河。
- Our vanward army is red 5 army group and red 9 army. 我们的先锋部队是红5军团和红9军。
- This army group was the first one to enter the capital. 该集团军是首批进京的部队。
- In Poland, Army Group Center was to drive east to Smolensk, then on to Moscow. 在波兰,中央集团军群将一直向东前进,先占领斯摩棱斯克州,然后到达莫斯科。
- Chinchow, however, fell and with it 120,000 troops while the Liao Army Group was just a little way out of Mukden. 但是,廖兵团刚开出沈阳不远,锦州便告失守,防守该城的十二万蒋军全军覆没。
- On January 12, 1945, Konev's Russian army group broke out of its bridgehead at Baranov on the upper Vistula south of Warsaw and headed for Silesia. 1945年1月12日,科涅夫率领的俄国集团军群从华沙南面维斯杜拉河上游的巴拉诺夫桥头堡出击,向西里西亚推进。
- Chiang ordered an army group of twelve divisions under General Liao Yao-hsiang to the relief of the beleaguered city. 蒋命今廖耀湘兵团十二个师驰援,以解锦州之围。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- I was paging through a magazine when he came in. 他进来时我在翻阅一本杂志。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- In Army Group Centre's sector of the Eastern Front, Paul Hausser's Das Reich was in reserve when the invasion began. 东线的俄国中部战区,保罗豪塞尔的“帝国”师在入侵开始后作为预备队。
- The greatest advantage of the panzer army group was swiftness, which came from high level machinery. 装甲集团军最大的优势是迅速,这都得益于高度的机械化。
- make request through army channels 通过军队途径提出要求