It is time now to forget all that and salute the miraculous boy who will triumph over death as Dionysos did, becoming immortal through his art. 现在,是时候忘记所有这一切,向这位神奇的男孩致敬,他会和狄厄尼索斯一样,通过死而大获成功,通过他的艺术而不朽。
Ever since Dionysos danced ahead of his horde of bloody-footed maenads across the rocky highlands of prehistoric Greece, dance and song have been the province of boys. 自从狄厄尼索斯在他那大群的赤足血脚的女仕的队列前起舞,横穿古希腊的岩石林立的丘陵高地时起,舞与歌就是男孩的领地。